
查字典中考网 2020年11月17日

      1. The play begins at 6: 40 pm. So we have to be at the theatre ____ 6:30 pm at the latest.

      A. after B. around C. until D. by

      1. D。从戏剧在下午6:40开始可知到达剧院的时间最迟不应晚于6:30。A项表示下午6:30后到剧院,C项表示在剧院呆到下午6:30为止,均不合题意。B项干扰性最强,around意为左右,大约, 但在6:30 pm后有at the latest最晚,二者相矛盾。C项by是not later than(不迟于)之意,整合题意。

      2. They held a ceremony ________ those killed in the battle.

      A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of

      2. A。in honour of意为为庆祝(为向. . . 表示敬意,为纪念;instead of意为代替; 而不是;in favor of意为赞成;支持;by means of意为通过; 用; 借助于。根据句意他们举行了纪念阵亡战士的仪式可知答案为A。

      3. After finishing middle school, my sister did nothing ________ at home.

      A. but to read B. but read C. besides reading D. except to read

