

       摘 要
       摘 要
       我国中小企业在国民经济中具有重要的战略地位,但由于国家政策及企业自身方面的问
       要解决中小企业财务管理存在的问题就要经多方面的努力。
       关键词: 中小企业,财务管理,问题,对策
       I
       Abstract
       Abstract
       China’s small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in the national economy, but
      because of their own national policies and issues, on financial management of SME in the main
      fund-raising channels exist narrow, a serious shortage of funds, financial management operators
      weak consciousness enterprise financial accounting systems, financial management and other
      issues not yet standardized, and the financial management of enterprise management are the most
      important part of good business operator can not be separated from good financial management,
      corporate finance article for the current management of the main existence questions were
      analyzed, and how to improve the quality of financial personnel, a sound financial system and
      strengthen internal controls and other parties concerned have put forward the corresponding
       Wants to solve the small and medium-sized enterprise financial control existence problem to
      have to pass through the various endeavor, The author suggests enterprises managers and
      government officials should consider the facts to improve the present financial management. so as
      to direct SME to walk up to healthy and substantial way.
       Keywords : Small and medium-sized enterprises, Financial management, Question,
       II
       目 录
       目 录
       摘 要 ........................................................................................................ Ⅰ
      ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ Ⅱ 目
      录 ..................................................................................................................... III
       第一章 引 言 ....................................................................................................... 1
       1.1 课题的目的和意义 ............................................................................... .......... 1
       1.1.1 选题的目的 ............................................................................................. 1
       1.1.2 选题的意义 ............................................................................................. 1
       1.2 国1
       1.2.1 国1