

       西南科技大学本科生毕业论文
       绵阳市华阳集团办公楼(中文摘要)
       摘要:本次毕业设计题目为绵阳市华阳集团办公综合楼设计。设计内容包括建
      筑设计、结构设计。本设计主体为三层(局部四层);底层高为 4.4 米,四层高为
      3.9 米,其余层高为 3.5 米,总建筑面积近为 2500 平方米,室内外高差为 0.90
       本工程采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,建筑抗震设防烈度为7 度,基础采用柱下独
       通过毕业设计,综合应用四年的所学的专业知识,使我的专业水平得到很大提
       关键词:建筑设计 荷载统计 内力组合 构件设计
       I
       西南科技大学本科生毕业论文
       The Design Of HuanYang Multy Office Building in
       MianYang(English Abstract)
       Abstract: The topic of this design is: The Design Of HuanYang Multy Office
      Building in MianYang, The design contents includes the building design and
      construct-ion design. This design corpus as three layer, parcels are four layer; The
      story alt-itude of ground floor is 4.4meters, the four floor is 3.9 meters and the other
      are3.5meters. The whole building acreage is near to 2500 square meters, the level of
      ind-oors and outside is 0.90 meter, this engineering sets up the opposite elevation is
      ±0.000, on the function satisfy request of the people work in. The request of the
      usage, can make use of the limited space arrange layout more reasonable.
       This project adopts reinforced concrete frame construction, the building
      anti-ear-thquake establishes to defend strong degree as 7 degree, foundation adopts
      the rei-nforced concrete pillar descends the independent foundation, stairs adopts
      plank type stairs. the calculation of Construction includs calculate with hand and
      calculate with machine-readable, the part of calculate with hand include: the
      construction cal-culation of the frame of ping, the calculation of the close floor in that
      frame knot-hole, the calculation of the pillar under the frame descends pole , the
      calculation ofthe stairs;The machine-readable part adopts PKPM construction
      software empolder by Constructs science academy of China proceed the whole
      three- dimensional sp-ace analysis calculation.
       Through graduation design, I proceeds my four years? profession knowledge
      sy-nthesize to the application, improve my profession level ,prepare massiness basic
      for my work in the future.