

      Emily:Hi, Ryan! How was your morning?

      嗨,Ryan! 今天早上过得好吗?

      Ryan:So so. (Drinking coffee…)


      Emily:You look tired. What time did you get up?


      Ryan:En…I got up at 11:30AM. I eat breunch now.


      Emily:Oh, so late. What time did you go to bed last night?




      Emily:Oh,so late. What did you do?


      Ryan:I played computer games. I have been so absorbed in it that I forgot the time. I’m always crazy about playing the game. It’s a pain in the neck to cut down playing the game.


      Emily:Maybe you should find some important things to do to instead it. If you were busy in other things, you would have no time to play it.


      Ryan:En…Good idea! I will try it from tomorrow. Thank you very much!Really nice speaking to you!


      Emily:You too! See you later.


      Ryan:See you.
