Unit 9 How was your weekend

查字典英语网 2016年03月02日

      Unit 9 Hoasyourweekend?

      No. 110 iddleSchoolofChongqingByCaoYi


      1. Generalaims:


      2. Particularaims:

      A. LanguageFocus.

      Talkaboutrecentpastevents and think of the past events.

      B. Languagegoals




      C. Languagestructures:

      (1). Hoasyourweekend? Iwasgreat. Payattentiontonoform.

      (2). Whatdidyoudoovertheweekend? Iplayedsoccer. Wewenttothebeach.

      D. Usefulwordsandphrases:

      Words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, wasnt, false, number, geography, spend, week, most, mixture, their, had, little, cook, read, saw, change, everyone, sit, sat, no, anything

      Phrases: didoneshomework, playedsoccer, cleanedmyroom, wenttothebeach, playedtennis, wenttothemovies, onSaturdaymorning, overtheweekend, cookfor, whatabout, dosomereading, haveaparty, talkshow, goshopping

      E. Grammarlanguage:



      F. Learningstrategies:

