
查字典英语网 2016年10月09日

      ( ) 1. Thenumberofpeopleinvited ______ fifty, butanumberofthem _______ absentfordifferentreasons.

      A. were, wasB. was, was

      C. was, wereD. were, were

      ( ) 2. E-mail, aswellastelephones, ________ animportantpartindailycommunication.

      A. isplayingB. haveplayed

      C. areplayingD. play

      ( ) 3. ______ ofthelandinthatdistrict ______ coveredwithtreesandgrass.

      A. Twofifth, isB. Twofifth, are

      C. Twofifths, isD. Twofifths, are

      ( ) 4. Tenminutes ______ alongtimeforonewhowaits.

      A. seemB. seems

      C. seemedD. areseemed

      ( ) 5. Ericistheonlyoneoftheboyswho _____ adrivinglicense.

      A. hasB. have

      C. ishavingD. arehaving’

      ( ) 6. JoyandSorrow _____ next-doorneighbours.

      A. isB. areC. wereD. be

      ( )7. Inmyopinion, someofthenews _____ unbelievable.

      A. areB. isC. hasbeenD. havebeen

      ( )8. When ______ theUnitedNationsfounded?

      A. isB. areC. wasD. were

      ( )9. Everypossiblemeans _____ .

      A. hastriedB. hasbeentried

      C. wastriedD. weretried

      ( ) 10. Whatshesaysanddoes _____ nothingtodowithme.
