August changan the beauty of the written words of (a)

查字典英语网 2017年01月10日


      1. Heisthebestatthattime, thenIamthebestofme. Thebestbetweenus, however, awholeyouth. Howtorunacrossbutalsoyouth, hadtohandtosaygoodbye. -- - thebestwe

      2. Wishfulthinkingisto "original". - thebestwe

      3. Theeasiestwaytofeelwarmandsurpriseisastranger, hedidn'tbecauseyouwanttosee. Theeasiestisachillingandsadlyrelatives, becauseyoulovethem. - thebestwe

      4. Youknow, almostdidn'tget, canletapersondefiantly, poorandveryfar, canletapersoncalm. - thebestwe

      5. Thebestwaytoletapersonbecomestrong, ishaveawanttoprotectpeople. -- - "hello ?



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