



      【摘要】 目的:观察腰硬联合麻醉在老年经尿道前列腺电切术中的临床应用。方法:选取我院73例老年经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP)患者。ASAII~III级,均选择腰硬联合麻醉,对麻醉效果及手术并发症进行观察。结果:本组73例患者麻醉效果良好。除1例患者出现术后出血经二次手术探查止血外,其余患者手术顺利,生命体征平稳,无麻醉并发症,无TURP综合征、膀胱意外穿孔、低体温及败血症等并发症。本组患者围手术期无死亡病例。结论:腰硬联合麻醉起效迅速,麻醉阻滞完善,肌松效果确切,有利于手术操作,对血流动力学影响轻微,且患者始终保持清醒,是一种安全、有效、可控的麻醉方法。TURP期间严密监测生命体征,积极预防及治疗手术并发症的发生,能够使老年TURP患者安全度过围手术期。


      Clinic Investigation of Combined Spinal

      and Epidural Anesthesia (CSE) in the

      Elderly Transurethral Resection of the

      Prostate (TURP)

      【Abstract】Objective: Observe the clinic investigation of combined spinal and epidural anesthesia (CSE) in the elderly transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Methods: Choosing 73 elderly patients who had been operated transurethral resection of the prostate. All the patients were ASA classified as II-III, and been use combined spinal and epidural anesthesia (CSE), to observe the anesthetic effect and postoperative complications. Results: All the 73 patients were anesthetized as expected. Only one of the patients occurred postoperative hemorrhage, and been reoperation to exploration and hemostasis. The other patients were successfully