Responsibility accountingWord



      Repsosnbiiityl cAocutinn and gTrnsfear PrcingiLetcur ebyG anes Vhidaynathana


      eRspnsiobliti accyuontnig Oganizrtaoialn rachietcturei n caitno S budiisvio on anfo rganiztaio nnto siu-bunist W yhd ot ihs To? ipmover prcessoignca acitpyprodu/tciivyt–M usto graniz eote xcueet tehb uisnses odel m G egroahy—Eapst/WsetD/ometics/ItennrtioaalnP odruc ltnie—Model / MoXel d/ModYleZ Fu ntion—ciFnncaeM/aketrni/OpgreatonsiEt c–S emengitg ennalbs eht eripnical top efinedand fo cu sacivitty/imssoniacc oradnce o ptroudt clneior b y fncuiont r somoeo thr eaviabrlet athma ke sensse Not e htat teh ubsdiv-dini gancc acase dodn intwomult piel-leevs (ldviiion/sedprtaentmw/ro-kgour/ptaem te)c


      eRpsnoibsliiytac oucntnig S“budiivsoniig n”i s n ficta the saisgmnnt eo dfeisioncr igth to shetsub nutis Th–er eust ils ht esepcfiictaio nforesp nosbiiitlie sadna ccounabilittes io tACH subEu-nti

      extN teh subuits’npe fromracne mutsb em easurdec nsoitesn twitht eh edicion rightss N xetth esu unibts ’erformpacn emut sbe ppaoprriteal yerardwed Th erespnoisbliit ayccuntinog ysstm ise rsepnsoble firomeas uirg/renortpign/veluatanig the peortanig reults snda theorfina cnal/inn-ofinnacal iidmnsiensoo fth eprefromnaceof tehs bunitsu


      eRponssiblitiyce tner s The s bunutisare “ entcer”s Natuerof hetre sopsinbiltyi ssaginedspe ifcie tse “htyp” efo ecnte rCos ctener– tesRopnsbil fero cotnrllino/gmaaning cosgtsPrfoitcen tr–eR seonsiblpefo rprfitos(Max re enveu an dmnic ot)

      Isnestventmce ntre–Re spnosibel or resfuroce alocltian oand te dhelpoyenmt f thoe esrurcose o tegenrtea prfiot – Csopamisrno ot prfoi ctener t A p orift cnete roeds ot navehde iscinori ghs tver ohe retsuorc ealocalionti. .e hte resouce raount (bmduegt etc Pr)fiot ceter nateks he tesroure cnedomenwta ndhas to d epol iyt o mtakep ofitrs


      Undertansing RdesonpibisilytCen erts nowK he natutre f ohe restpnsobilityi K nwoa dnun edsratd nhe tissus ei nmaesrinu gerpfrmoacne– Wah ptreorfmnaecm esurea sare aprpporatie – ?Wat hmi xo fifanncia/nonlinfacnali eamsreus?

      Kownt eh issus ine velaatiugnp erofmancre –Bheaivurao ilmlpcaitois nf poerfromace neamuser –sH ve aewcr etea dormeag nce pyobreml tsha wn aee corrertingc?Co


      t Cseter nS buniu its esponsiblref o rproducni Q* agtmi nmui mocst ro aximimz eQg ienvC (i*.e. udgeb)t– Agntsea r esasgnedi dcisein orgiths voe prroucdtoi tnehnoclogy i:nutsp ,ipun mtix; productoni shcdule e Jdgeudev/aluatd be tyeh feficeinyc o fropdutiocn


      oCt Cestnre Obs rvaeibitly– Voulemof ac tvitiy :uotpu, tnpuist P–rchusa aecivitty ;ihinr/tgraiingn laboru– oWk rinac tion –T pey ofi nuptsus e d –uQlait of youptutp rouded c–V riaeyt fo roduptcin otatissics


      tostC enCter A egcny roblpmse In–cenitv eo cuttco rensr o tlwore cots C eha inppust aLxtr ainig Defern achminem inaetance nelDyad elvireeis toa ccmulute aptoiaml

      batchs zieE pxnda outup tt oowerlav eraeg ocst(not a go od ida te osu everaage oct as tshec os ttraget)– ill Wotnma imxiez rpfoi t Youw nt MC a=M R


      Cso teCntre Kon wcsto bhaevioura n thedr eleanvt ocst diverrs If *Q si ivgn—enseue irti sthe p rofi maxtmiiznig uanqtity Oserbv enda tarc kuaqity lof te houtpu t E nusert ath th eaentgh sathe pparorpait enkowedlg aeobtut e hrpouctdino tehcnoogyl