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Lesson 17 :How do you do? 你 好!Listen to the tape then answer this question. What are Michael Maker and Jeremy Short's jobs?听录音,然后回答问题。迈克尔.贝克和杰里米.肖特是.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 5:Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你。Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is Chang-woo Chinese?听录音,然后回答问题。 昌宇是中国人吗?MR. BLAKE: Good morning.STUDENTS.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.对不起,先生。Listen to the tape then answer this question.听录音,然后回答问题。这位男士有没有要回他的雨伞?My coat and my umbrella please.Here is my ticket.T.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 1 Excuse me!对不起!Listen to the tape then answer this question. Whose handbag is it?听录音,然后回答问题,这是谁的手袋?Excuse me!Yes?Is this your handbag?Pardon?Is this.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 105Full of mistakes错误百出Listen to the tape then answer this question. What was Sandra's present?听录音,然后回答问题。给桑德拉的礼物是什么?THE BOSS:Where's Sandra, Bob?.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 123A trip to Australia澳大利亚之行Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who is the man with the beard?听录音,然后回答问题。那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁?MIKE: Look, .........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 107It's too small.太小了。Listen to the tape then answer this question. What kind of dress does the lady want?听录音,然后回答问题。 这位女士想要什么样的服装?ASSISTANT: .........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 125Tea for two两个人一起喝茶Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Susan have tea by herself?听录音,然后回答问题。苏珊是一个人喝茶吗?SUSAN: Can't you come i.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 109A good idea好主意Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does Jane have with her coffee?听录音,然后回答问题。喝咖啡时简吃了什么?CHARLOTTE: Shall I make s.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?Listen to the tape then answer this question. Whose shirt is white?听录音,然后回答问题。 谁的衬衣是白色的?HEACHER:Whose shirt is .........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 127A famous actress著名的女演员Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear?听录音,然后回答问题。谁只有29岁?为什么这.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 111The most expensive model最昂贵的型号Listen to the tape then answer this question. Can Mr. Frith buy the television on instalments? How does it work?听录音,然后回答.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 113Small change零钱Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who has got some change?听录音,然后回答问题。谁有零钱?CONDUCTOR: Fares, please!MAN: Trafalgar Square,plea.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 129Seventy miles an hour时速70英里Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does Ann advise her husband to do next time?听录音,然后回答问题。安建议她的丈夫下次.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 115Knock, knock!敲敲门!Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does Jim have to drink?听录音,然后回答问题。吉姆只能喝什么饮料?HELEN: Isn't there anyone at h.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 1 Excuse me!对不起!Listen to the tape then answer this question. Whose handbag is it?听录音,然后回答问题,这是谁的手袋?Excuse me!Yes?Is this your handbag?Pardon?Is this.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 13 A new dress一件新连衣裙Listen to the tape then answer this question. What colour is Anna's hat?听录音,然后回答问题。安娜的帽子是什么颜色的?LOUISE: What colour's your.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 117Tommy's breakfast汤米的早餐Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does she mean by 'change in the last sentence?听录音,然后回答问题。最后一名话中的“change.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 101A card from Jimmy吉米的明信片Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Grandmother seem pleased to get a card from Jimmy? Why/Why not?听录音,然后回答问题.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 131Don't be so sure!别那么肯定!Listen to the tape then answer this question. What's the problem about deciding on a holiday?听录音,然后回答问题。决定如何度假有什么为难的.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 119A true story一个真实的故事Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who called out to the thieves in the dark?听录音,然后回答问题。谁在暗处对窃贼喊了一声?Do you.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 103The French test法语考试Listen to the tape then answer this question. How long did the exam last?听录音,然后回答问题。 考试持续了多长时间?GARY: How was the exam, Ri.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 133Sensational news!爆炸性新闻!Listen to the tape then answer this question. What reason did Karen Marsh give for wanting to retire?听录音,然后回答问题。卡伦.马什说她为.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 141Sally's first train ride萨莉第一交乘火车旅行Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why was the mother embarrassed?听录音,然后回答问题。为什么母亲感到尴尬?Last we.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 135The latest report最新消息Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is Karen Marsh going to retire, do you think?听录音,然后回答问题。你认为卡伦.马什会退休吗?REPOR.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 121The man in a hat戴帽子的男士Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why didn't Caroline recognize the customer straight away?听录音,然后回答问题。为什么卡罗琳没.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 143A walk through the woods林中散步Listen to the tape then answer this question. What was so funny about the words on the sign?听录音,然后回答问题。牌子上的字有什么可.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.对不起,先生。Listen to the tape then answer this question.听录音,然后回答问题。这位男士有没有要回他的雨伞?My coat and my umbrella please.Here is my ticket.T.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 137A pleasant dream美好的梦Listen to the tape then answer this question. What would Julie like to do, if she had the money?听录音,然后回答问题。如果朱莉有那笔钱,她想做.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 15Your passports, please.请出示你们的护照。Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is there a problem with the Customs officer?听录音,然后回答问题。 海关官员有什么.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 31Where's Sally?萨莉在哪里?Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is the cat climbing the tree?听录音,然后回答问题。猫正在爬树吗?JEAN: Where's Sally, Jack?JACK: .........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 139Is that you, John?是你吗,约翰?Listen to the tape then answer this question. Which John Smith does Graham Turner think he is talking to?听录音,然后回答问题。格雷厄.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 17How do you do?你 好!Listen to the tape then answer this question. What are Michael Maker and Jeremy Short's jobs?听录音,然后回答问题。迈克尔.贝克和杰里米.肖特是做什么.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 49At the butcher's在肉店Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does Mr. Bird like?听录音,然后回答问题。伯德先生喜欢什么?BUTCHER: Do you want any meat today.........阅读全文 >>
Lesson 33A fine day晴天Listen to the tape then answer this question. Where is the Jones family?听录音,然后回答问题。琼斯一家人在哪里?It is a fine day today.There are some c.........阅读全文 >>