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  Could a four-day working week work? 每周四天工作日,可行吗?

  尽管英国人每周工作的时间很长,但他们的工作效率却低于许多其它欧洲国家。有一种方法或许可以解决这个问题 —— 那就是缩短工作时间。一周工作四天意味着大家可以有额外的一个休息日,但仍拿五天的工资。目前,英国已经有公司开始实行一周四天工作日的制度。不过,对于这个制度是否可行,人们意见不一。你认为 “每周四天工作日” 的制度可行吗?本集 “随身英语” 讨论缩短工作周的利弊。

  Vocabulary: work 词汇: 工作

  People in the UK work longer hours than anyone else in the European Union but are far from the most productive. According to theTrades UnionCongress, a UK body that brings together 49 member unions to improve their working conditions, employees in Denmark are 24% more productive per hour but work four hours fewer per week. 'Britain's long-hours culture… is robbing workers of a decent home life and time with their loved ones.Overwork, stress and exhaustion have become the new normal,' says TUC General Secretary Frances O'Grady. They want businesses to cut thestandard working weekfrom five days to four. But would a four-day week work?

  It does for Rich Leigh,founderof a Gloucester-based PR business. Staffthere work Monday to Thursday, 9am – 5:30pm, but still get paid the same as before. In an interview with the BBC, Leigh claims it makes the staff happier, which leads to better, more productive work. After a year, earningsand profitsare up andsick dayshave halved.

  The 4 Day Week Campaign also believes a shorter week would benefit everyone. They claim that it would, among other things, more evenly distribute work between the overworked and the underemployed. They estimate that around 30 UK businesses operatea 'four day, same pay' system.

  However, not everyone is convinced. One of the UK's leading charities, the Wellcome Trust, conducted anorganisation-wide consultation into whether a four-day week would fit. They decided against it. 'Many employees worried about their five-day workloadsbeing compressed into just four days and some raised concerns that the time and energy used to implement a four-day week would distract the charity from its core work,' says Ed Whiting, director of policy at the Trust.

  So does a four-day working week work or not? Clearly it suits some… but not everyone. "We've got a lot to do before it can work for differentsectors," says Emelia Quist from the Federation of Small Businesses in a BBC interview. 'Social care needs people present 24/7. How can we ensure thoseindustriescan work a four-day week?' she adds. Until we can answer questions like these, there's clearly more work to be done.


  productive 高效的

  trade union 工会

  working conditions 工作环境,劳动条件

  long-hours culture 加班文化,超时工作环境

  overwork 工作过度,劳累过度

  standard working week 标准工作周

  founder 创始人

  staff 员工,全体雇员

  earnings 工资,薪水

  profit 利润

  sick days 带薪病假

  underemployed 只有部分时间被雇用工作的人

  operate 实行

  organisation 企业

  workload 工作量

  core work 核心工作

  sector 行业,领域

  24/7 每时每刻地,一直不休息地

  industry 行业,产业


  1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

  1. True or False? British workers are the most productive in Europe.

  2. What cost is working long hours taking on UK workers?

  3. How has a four-day week benefitted Rich Leigh?

  4. Why did the Wellcome Trust not move to a four-day week?

  5. What issue does Emelia Quist have with a four-day week?

  2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

  1. I'm afraid I won't have time to play this weekend. I've got a really heavy _______ and I may have to work Saturday and Sunday.

  working conditions  sector  overwork  workload

  2. I always join the organisation's _______. That way if I feel I'm being treated unfairly, I can ask for help.

  trade union  organisation  industry  sector

  3. I'm definitely an early-bird. I'm much more _______ in the mornings than in the afternoons.

  underemployed  productive  overworked  operational

  4. The first thing I noticed about Japan was that the convenience stores were open _______! They never closed!

  sporadically  from dusk till dawn  24/7  once in a blue moon

  5. I may have been the _______ of this company, but you, my son, will make it a huge success in the future.

  trade union  organisation  sector  founder


  1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

  1. True or False? British workers are the most productive in Europe.

False. Employees in Denmark are 24% more productive than UK workers.

  2. What cost is working long hours taking on UK workers?

  According to the TUC, 'Britain's long-hours culture… is robbing workers of a decent home life and time with their loved ones.'

  3. How has a four-day week benefitted Rich Leigh?

  After a year, earnings and profits are up and sick days have halved.

  4. Why did the Wellcome Trust not move to a four-day week?

  Many employees worried about their five-day workloads being compressed into just four days. They also wondered if it would distract from their core work.

  5. What issue does Emelia Quist have with a four-day week?

  She says that there is a lot to do before it will work for different sectors, for example – social care, which requires people present 24/7.

  2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

  1. I'm afraid I won't have time to play this weekend. I've got a really heavy workloadand I may have to work Saturday and Sunday.

  2. I always join the organisation'strade union. That way if I feel I'm being treated unfairly, I can ask for help.

  3. I'm definitely an early-bird. I'm much more productivein the mornings than in the afternoons.

  4. The first thing I noticed about Japan was that the convenience stores were open24/7. They never closed!

  5. I may have been the founderof this company, but you, my son, will make it a huge success in the future.














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