

      "Buck”一词在英文中有很多解释,比如“钱、雄鹿、公兔、纨绔子弟、抵制、振作”等等,因此与其搭配的短语也能表达出丰富的含义,今天就来学习一下吧!1. big bucks (=a lot of

      money) 一大笔钱He owed me big bucks.他欠我很多钱。2. make a fast buck 一下子赚得一笔钱(通常指不义之财)He made a fast buck by smuggling.他通过走私一下子挣了不少

      钱。3. feel/look a million bucks 感觉精神非常好,看上去很精神Hey Jenny! You look a million bucks today!嗨,珍妮!你今天看上去不错啊!4. pass the buck 推脱责任You were the

      one who took on this job. Don't try to pass the buck.是你接手这项工作的,别想推卸责任。5. buck somebody up 使某人振作精神Come on, buck up. Things aren't that bad.得了,振

      作起来。事情没有你想的那么糟。6. buck up 在英式口语中有“加油,快点”的意思Buck up, or we'll be late.快点,否则我们就要迟到了。


      1. big bucks (=a lot of money) 一大笔钱

      He owed me big bucks.


      2. make a fast buck 一下子赚得一笔钱(通常指不义之财)

      He made a fast buck by smuggling.


      3. feel/look a million bucks 感觉精神非常好,看上去很精神

      Hey Jenny! You look a million bucks today!


      4. pass the buck 推脱责任

      You were the one who took on this job. Don't try to pass the buck.


      5. buck somebody up 使某人振作精神

      Come on, buck up. Things aren't that bad.


      6. buck up 在英式口语中有“加油,快点”的意思

      Buck up, or we'll be late.
