2020年12月英语四级听力真题(第2套) 新闻报道(2)

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      News Report Two


      The village of Maref in Alaska voted on Tuesday to move to the state's mainland.


      The move is due to global warming and rising sea levels.


      Most of the village's 169 registered voters took part in the town hall meeting.


      They decided in a vote of 89-78 to move from their land on Sarichef Island, near the Arctic Circle.


      Maref Council Secretary Donna Barr said the vote was largely symbolic.


      It will be costly financially to the community.


      "About 15 years ago, they estimated the cost at $180 million.


      I would figure it's much higher now," Barr said.


      "We don't see the move happening in our lifetime because of the funding".


      The village's roughly 650 residents have seen warming temperatures melt sea ice and permanently frozen land.


      This has resulted in houses falling into the water.


      At least 31 villages in Alaska face "immediate threats" due to climate change, the Government Accountability Office reported in 2009.


      Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

      请根据你刚刚听到的新闻报道回答3 - 4题。

      Question 3: What is Maref's vote on Tuesday about?


      Question 4: Why did Donna Barr say they wouldn't see the plan carried out any time soon?
