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  • n.

    看台;台( stand的名词复数 );看台;停止抵抗;

  • v.

    坐落( stand的第三人称单数 );维持原状;停着;处于某种状态

  • 双语释义

    1. vt.& vi. 站立,(使)直立,站着(cause to) have, take or keep an upright position
    2. vi. 坐落,被放置be placed
    3. vi. 维持原状,保持效力remain unchanged; remain valid
    4. vi. 停着remain in the same place
    5. vi. 处于某种状态be in a certain condition or situation
    6. vi. 高度为… have a specified height
    7. vt. 竖放rest in a position, especially upright
    8. vt. 忍耐; 忍受; 经得起,受得起endure; bear; be patient with
    1. [S] 立脚点,站立position, taken up; act or instance of standing
    2. [C] 台,座small piece of furniture
    3. [C] 售货处,摊structure from which goods are sold; area or structure where things are displayed, exhibited, advertised, etc.
    4. [P] 看台,观众席large, usually sloping, structure at a sports ground,racecourse, etc., with rows of seats for spectators
    5. [S] 主张,立场a fixed public decision or opinion
    6. [S] 中止,停顿halt or standstill
    7. [C] 抵抗,抵御resistance to attack



    • n.
      • a support or foundation


      • the position where a thing or person stands
      • a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area

        "they cut down a stand of trees"

      • a small table for holding articles of various kinds

        "a bedside stand"

      • a support for displaying various articles


      • an interruption of normal activity


      • a mental position from which things are viewed

        同义词:point of viewviewpointstandpoint

      • a booth where articles are displayed for sale

        同义词:stallsales booth

      • a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance

        "a one-night stand"

      • tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)
      • a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air

        同义词:bandstandoutdoor stage

      • a defensive effort

        "the army made a final stand at the Rhone"

    • v.
      • be standing; be upright

        "We had to stand for the entire performance!"

        同义词:stand up

      • be in some specified state or condition

        "I stand corrected"

      • occupy a place or location, also metaphorically

        "We stand on common ground"

      • hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright

        "I am standing my ground and won't give in!"

        同义词:remain firm

      • have or maintain a position or stand on an issue

        "Where do you stand on the War?"

      • put up with something or somebody unpleasant

        同义词:digestendurestick outstomachbeartoleratesupportbrookabidesufferput up

      • remain inactive or immobile

        "standing water"

      • be in effect; be or remain in force

        "The law stands!"

      • be tall; have a height of; copula

        "She stands 6 feet tall"

      • put into an upright position

        "Can you stand the bookshelf up?"

        同义词:stand upplace upright

      • withstand the force of something

        "stand the test of time"


      • be available for stud services


    用作动词 (v.)
    • stand a chance有机会,有可能
    • stand a lot of hard wear耐磨损
    • stand a show不大可能
    • stand fire耐火
    • stand no nonsense受不了无聊的东西
    • stand one's dignity摆架子,要人尊重
    • stand one's friends袒护朋友,帮助朋友
    • stand one's ground坚持己见
    • stand sb's song忍受某人的歌声
    • stand the children忍受这些孩子
    • stand the cold挨冻
    • stand the criticism受批评
    • stand the fellow忍受那家伙
    • stand the gunfire承受炮火
    • stand the loss承受损失
    • stand the operation承受手术
    • stand the silly talk忍受那愚蠢的谈话
    • stand the smallest discomfort忍受最轻微的不适
    • stand the strain承受紧张
    • stand the teacher忍受这位老师
    • stand the test of time经受时间的考验
    • stand treat做东,请客
    • stand trial受审讯
    • stand aloof避开
    • stand apart隔离
    • stand conspicuously突出地站着
    • stand courageously立场坚定,无所畏惧
    • stand erectly笔直地站着
    • stand habitually习惯地站着
    • stand haughtily轻蔑地站着
    • stand meekly温顺地站着
    • stand obediently服从地站着
    • stand ostentatiously炫耀地站着
    • stand picturesquely别致地站着
    • stand tremulously不稳定地站着
    • stand wistfully若有所思地站着
    • stand about〔around〕闲站
    • stand aside移到一边
    • stand away不靠着
    • stand back往后退开
    • stand by在场,在旁边
    • stand down退职
    • stand off避开,离开
    • stand on保持(船的)航向和速度
    • stand out突出,超越他人
    • stand outside站在外面
    • stand over延期,推迟
    • stand to准备行动
    • stand together并肩而立
    • stand up起立
    • stand up for拥护…
    • stand up to挺身反对…
    • stand above强于…
    • stand against靠在…上,反对…
    • stand against the plan反对该计划
    • stand among处身于…中
    • stand at站在…等待
    • stand behind站在…的后面
    • stand beside the car站在车旁
    • stand between站在…中间
    • stand for起立表示对…的尊敬,代表…
    • stand for the judge支持法官
    • stand for the national song代表国歌
    • stand in位于…
    • stand in the water立在水中
    • stand on one's head倒立
    • stand on one's own feet自立
    • stand to one's principles坚持原则
    • stand to reason有道理
    • stand to the left在左方
    • stand with和…站在一起
    • stand with people和群众相处得好
    用作名词 (n.)
    • advocate some stand赞成某种立场
    • appreciate stand欣赏…立场
    • criticize stand批判…立场
    • hold stand持…立场
    • illustrate one's stand说明立场
    • keep a stand坚持立场
    • make a stand站住,停下,进行抵抗,坚持立场
    • maintain stand保持立场
    • pass the stand经过站台
    • plan stand计划停顿
    • put a stand使停顿
    • reiterate stand重申立场
    • take a stand表明立场
    • take one's stand立定脚跟
    • take the stand上证人席作证
    • take the same stand采取同样的立场
    • take up one's stand站在(某处)
    • agree with sb's stand同意某人的观点
    • come to a stand停住,停止
    • depend on stand取决于…的地位
    • drive from stand驶离车站
    • prepare for stand准备停住
    • brutal stand野蛮的态度
    • cruel stand残酷的态度
    • decisive stand决定性的态度
    • definite stand明确的立场
    • desperate stand绝望的立场
    • drowsy stand沉寂的村庄
    • final stand作最后的抵抗
    • firm stand坚定的立场
    • good stand好地点
    • last stand最后的抵抗
    • launching stand发射台
    • lofty stand高尚的立场
    • open stands露天看台
    • political stand政治立场
    • proper stand适当的地点
    • reviewing stand检阅台
    • similar stand类似的立场
    • strong stand坚定的立场
    • stubborn stand顽固的立场
    • uncompromising stand不妥协的立场
    • unequivocal stand毫不含糊的立场
    • advertisement stand广告架
    • band stand音乐台,乐池
    • book stand书摊
    • coat stand衣帽架
    • fruit stand水果摊
    • hat stand立式衣帽架
    • hot-dog stand热狗摊
    • ice-cream stand冰淇淋摊
    • information stand问讯台
    • music stand乐谱架
    • newspaper stand报摊
    • umbrella stand伞架
    • vegetable stand蔬菜摊
    • watermelon stand西瓜摊
    • witness stand证人席
    • at a stand停住,停顿
    • from the stands从看台上
    • in sb's stand某人的立场
    • in the stands在看台上
    • stand against gambling反对赌博
    • stand for justice维护正义
    • stand of arms全副武装
    • stand of colours军旗,团旗
    • stand on facts依据事实
    • stand on political issues关于政治问题的立场
    • stand towards the matter对这个问题的立场


    stands for可以替代


    1. I don't think the chair is firm enough to stand on.
    2. I twisted my ankle, and I couldn't stand up.
    3. She is funny, but I can't stand her.
    4. Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside.
    5. The car stood at the traffic lights for a few moments, then moved off.
    1. He took his stand near the window.
    2. He set up a stand on the market.
    3. They made a stand and took a rest.
    4. Hundreds of people were squeezed up against each other in one corner of the stand.


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