



      one day you will find that time can change everything.


      some people, see more strange, some things, more want more heartache.


      i was severely abandoned, he didn't even feel guilty.


      time has passed, leaving a wild species called memory.


      you and i have seen all over the moon and the moon, and the clouds are relaxing and lingering. finally, we are drifting away from each other.


      life should be lived by ourselves, and hardships should be eaten by ourselves. why should we live by looking at other people's faces.


      there is no one like me, will be willing to meet you from the beginning.


      if i did not meet you, i would not know, if you shed tears, the first wet is my heart.


      warmth, warmth, is the most comfortable, but also everyone will like one, just like warm water.


      everyone has a beautiful past, which is also unbearable memories.


      sometimes, not careful to know some things, only to find that they care about things is so ridiculous.


      it's better not to be a friend than to be a friend. it's better to let go than to be a lover.


      i really don't understand why i am so poor and can eat so fat.


      a person has his own way of life; loneliness has his own comfort.


      most of the time, we are in love with ourselves.


      ambiguous relationship, probably want to own, but do not want to be responsible.


      waiting is not hard, bitter is waiting without hope.


      when the sea breeze blows, tears slide, there are too many sad, but no one understands.


      no one really wants a person, who doesn't want to have a person who can pet himself to heaven.


      no matter how prosperous the process is, the final result can not be changed.


      i always have you in my heart, but the proportion has changed.


      listen to the most sensational songs, drink the most throat burning wine, love the purest you.


      think about everything, don't be hard for others, and don't make yourself cheap.


      sweet talk, romantic flirting, i will not, but i have a heart will love you.


      if you can't get it, you always say you don't want it.


      when you suddenly smile at others, i despise and envy like anger.


      i don't want to think about whether i can succeed. since i have chosen the oasis, i will not look forward to it!


      people who have real feelings will be moody, because if they pay too much, they will be worried about their gains and losses.


      your leaving makes me lose happiness and myself in sadness.


      when you are in love, you don't dare to devote yourself to it. if you lose your lover, you will lose the whole world.


      we don't fit in. there's no common language.


      if happiness is too hard, i wish you peace.


      those who are hated have no pain, but those who hate are scarred.


      tears are useless. if it worked, the world would have been submerged.


      finally, we are back to the original appearance, i call your first name, you take my last name.


      only in the poorest to understand, no matter how good feelings are difficult to rival reality.


      you are tired, say good happiness? i understand, do not say, love light, dream far away.


      i can stand you saying go away, but i can't accept that you ignore me.


      there are too many reluctant to give up in life, but have blurred the eyes.


      there is always a certain road, you can only walk alone; there are always many things that you need to carry alone.


      after separated from you, there are two me in this world: one pretends to be happy, the other is really sad.


      how sticky we are when we are together, how painful it will be when we separate.


      later, all the people i met were better than you, but you took it away when you left. my courage was desperate.


      i suspect that the only chance we can meet in life has been missed.


      mobile phone will at least remind me of the lack of electricity, but people will always leave without saying a word.


      you encircle my heart with the tears of the whole world. your sadness is an endless rain.


      i have been pretending to be strong, strong for decades, in fact, never know what is strong.


      love is like a flower, disappearing like a poem, but loneliness is similar.


      the promise you gave me, are you telling her again and again.


      don't think everyone so bad, or you will be alone.

我要发光2024-03-25 14:07:34




















