



      i'll give you enough. don't push your luck.


      that is covered by years of flowers, everything in vain become a blank.


      even if you come out of the shadow, you don't have to meet the light.


      if you don't, you won't be together. anyway, you won't have a long life.


      may your journey be long, full of miracles and discoveries.


      once the promise has long been vulnerable to attack, cheating is only their own.


      leave you, everything becomes more sad.


      if you know what i mean, why not?


      the tears of youth are the capital of future smile.


      my heart is a tomb. those who are afraid of death can't be the protagonist.


      tiny happiness is around, easy to satisfy is paradise.


      use time and heart to see people, not eyes and gossip.


      the fear in our hearts is always greater than the real danger.


      i'm sorry i'm not your king. i can't give you the glory you want.


      a man has only one heart but two atria.


      you are clearly there, but this life has nothing to do with me.


      if i really will give up, then you will not really care.


      there are a hundred beauties and thousands of red in the world, but you are the place of my love.


      missing you without warning is my hidden disease.


      looking at you from afar is my closest distance.


      admit it, you will still be disappointed, but still looking forward to it.


      i helped you nine times, but you only remember the tenth time i refused you.


      in fact, i've been behind you all the time, and i'm just waiting for you to turn around.


      there is always something to be lost to prove its value.


      living in this precious world, you can feel both the heat of the sun and the gentle of water.


      if you don't cherish it, i will go, even if i like you very much.


      we all have to take good care of ourselves, so sorry that we can't disturb.


      beautiful women and moldy women are only in one word, but the meaning is very different.


      i'm not afraid to die at home. i'm afraid to die at home. nobody knows.


      on my most sad night, i lived alone.


      who can bully me?


      if you are tired, learn to rest instead of giving up.


      ten li peach blossom heart, a paper from the umbrella with a beautiful woman.


      if nothing bad happens, you will never see the people around you.


      i'm not your sunny doll. i don't have to smile at you all the time.


      the light at dusk, the empty corridor, everything is to cry scenery.


      sad how to say clearly, how to feel lost.


      familiar memories, strange once, hiding in which corner crying.


      the past is no longer coming back, and the coming back is no longer perfect.


      those parting and disappointment of the pain, has no voice.


      don't ask me how much i love you. it's beyond your imagination.


      i still like you very much, like the cloud drifting 90 thousand miles, never resting.


      live a good life, should come, all on the road.


      when i want to cry, i look up at the sky, which is beautiful.


      he who is not afraid of losing is the bravest, and the one who doesn't make up for it is the best.


      you will not come to the end.


      two people's heartache, a person taste.


      beauty can only provide happiness for others, but not necessarily for happiness.


      remember, never love others more than you and your family.


      a person's life depends not only on his relationship, but also on his ability.


      we are still young, long life can withstand a little storm.


      you and i are just a bad play.


      in every laugh, there is a fatigue that others can't understand.


      i always pretend i don't care, and you really think i'm ok.


      you must remember, that year that month, weeping willow purple mo luo city east.


      please don't pretend to be nice to me. i'm stupid and will pretend to be serious.


      a day without laughter is a day in vain. laugh.


      you have to work hard to live your ideal life.


      the flowers on the street are blooming and butterflies are flying.

生活淡如茶2024-03-22 17:07:28




















