



      the original time, just let me get used to the pain.


      is that ridiculous? first of all, love gave up, and then moved not to give up.


      the fate of this life has been done, do not seek the next life, just wish the future days of their own well.


      when i needed someone to accompany me, i found that i only had my mobile phone.


      if you really want to forget someone, learn to give up something.


      this is full of tender eyes, both affectionate, but also the soul.


      our story begins with my interruption and ends with my redundancy.


      the pain of parting and disappointment has lost its voice.


      some things are like buttons. they are wrong at the beginning, but only in the end can we have to admit them.


      i will not ask, will not mention, sad on a person to keep walking.


      i don't know if i'm still waiting for today next year.


      happiness, not necessarily without injury!


      my favorite song.


      crying is not necessarily a sad thing!


      the things that bring you happiness will eventually bring you sorrow.


      there is a kind of miss, called love but not.


      one day, you will meet someone who you love and can be together.


      the relationship between people is so fragile that if you get angry, this person will no longer be yours.


      occasionally emotional, remember to wake up.


      love can't love, can't let go.


      if you love me, give me to accompany you. this feeling can wait, day and night only with you!


      the bitterest love in the world is to love each other secretly, but know nothing about it, so we are not together.


      start to learn not to accompany, pretending to be lonely is also a kind of beauty.


      i love, crazy, stupid, persistent, insisted, to the end or i have a person.


      leave, not necessarily very chic!


      do you know what it's like to be disappointed? i'll never make excuses for you anymore.


      you become a deserter for me and you, but you are a hero for others.


      still don't like you, sleep early and love to laugh.


      time to screen the people who really love you, and the people who really want to be nice to you.


      later, i always remember that it was my wishful thinking, no wonder others.


      it's not terrible to be abandoned. what's terrible is that you give up yourself.


      maybe i've been alone for a long time, and i'll push away when i touch anything.


      i'm afraid i can't be together, so i can't love you too much.


      loving you secretly is like throwing a small stone into the sea, small and insignificant.


      crossing with you on the same boat, arriving at the shore and returning to each other.


      silence for a long time, will suffer!


      there is a person in everyone's heart, can't touch, throw can't give up.


      the bitterest sugar is nothing more than your joy candy.


      when tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understanding.


      if you are a thousand mile horse, then please be your own bole.


      people are not lonely because of loneliness, but lonely with care in their hearts.


      i will never be desperate to love a person, even if it is you.


      fall in love with a person, no fate, waiting for a heart, heartless.


      hearing of the past, there are nine sorrows in ten. hearing of love, ten people are hurt.


      a person's loneliness, has never had the lonely mood by this dark night layer by layer package.


      the night gives me black eyes, but it makes me fall in love with the pain of the night.


      loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.


      once thought, i was the spring in your heart forever.


      if you love someone and don't respond, it's better to walk away with pride than to beg for love.


      between the streetlights and me, who is whose passer-by, who is the ornament of whose life.

喜怒不形于色2024-03-25 14:12:39




















