



      you have to live as you think, otherwise, sooner or later, you will live as you live.


      the tomato soup you cooked for me is a little salty. i don't have a drop left.


      no one in the world is qualified to be with me except you.


      if there is no shelter for me in the future, i will be my own hero.


      in life, there are always dark tunnels to cross.


      anyway, i will accompany you for a lifetime, not for a while.


      loneliness is not the solitude and solitude of a lifetime, but the momentary silence and desire for words.


      a person, if you don't force yourself, you don't know how good you are.


      if the two love for a long time, and not in the pig meat.


      all the bright and beautiful behind, have lived through countless unknown night.


      yesterday is just today's memory, tomorrow is just today's dream.


      some things are not born, why hold on tightly and refuse to let go.


      separate hands, you can hold them again. separate heart, how to connect again.


      feelings will precipitate, how can love a person day by day fresh.


      my world doesn't need too many passers-by. how about staying here when you come?


      if you can't be shameless, you'd better learn how to bear others' shamelessness.


      the so-called everlasting, originally just a dream.


      no matter how hard life is, don't give up and get through it. the worst outcome of a person is that he is a late bloomer.


      wear quality clothes and find quality men.


      i want to bite you to see if it's so sweet.


      there should be light in the world. if not, i will let it grow in my heart.


      i don't have a safe haven. no matter how heavy the rain is, no matter how crazy the wind is, i will block it myself.


      you can't be smart, but you can't be careless.


      i love you so much tonight.


      don't envy what others have, it's better to work hard.


      i like you for a long time. be my girlfriend.


      when i was sad, even the air i was breathing around me was depressed.


      don't think too well of me, otherwise when i show you my shortcomings, i will say that i have changed.


      no matter what happened in the past, the best never came.


      i'm very concerned about you, but you've given me access.


      people who don't know how to cherish don't deserve life.


      if i help you a hundred times, i don't remember. if i don't help you half a time, i hate you. this is villain.


      in the last three seconds of the end of the world, i think of an unimportant person.


      treat life, you might as well be bold, because we always have to lose it.


      there is a kind of feeling called no chance, there is a kind of put down called perfect.


      i dreamt that you changed your mind. i woke up and found that your heart was never with me.


      keep your mouth when you are in a group, and keep your heart when you are alone.


      don't squeeze into the world you can't squeeze into. why embarrass others to be yourself.


      people will change, three cheat, don't be too nostalgic. don't give up, because it's not worth it.


      we put on the wrong mask to each other, so we were separated in a hurry before we met.


      i will respond to you with whatever tone you speak to me.


      i also want to taste, strong twist melon in the end how not sweet.


      i really don't know how to use words to describe you who are so selfish.


      ha ha, evil comes with evil. have the cold handcuffs brought your life back to reality.


      don't touch my people. don't worry. i can't control my temper.


      death is one of the few things you can do just by lying down.


      the world is unfair. if you don't want to be a fish, you can only be a butcher.


      pretending to look up at the beauty of the sky, in fact, just don't want to let tears flow out.


      if you want to enjoy happiness, you have to have the courage to bear the sorrow behind.


      waiting is not for you to come back, but for yourself to find an excuse not to leave.

执笔断江山2024-03-22 17:11:32




















