



      i can only tell you jokingly that i like you.


      love is like a ghost story. i've heard it, but i haven't seen it very much.


      the tree on the playground never looked at you again.


      there is always someone who teaches you to grow and then he leaves alone.


      love comes to the end, even farting is the reason for breaking up.


      stubbornness is a kind of abuse to me. the more deeply i love, the more difficult it is to let go.


      if you think too much, it's better not to think, say too much, or be silent.


      she is still my weakness, but i am no longer her armor.


      i love you so much! but you only think i'm your boyfriend!


      once so close gentle, now so strange distance.


      love is like running water in the east, thinking of you day by day, missing you, turning into lovesickness tears.


      i turned my memory over and over again, only to find that it was you and me.


      when running, we should forget ourselves and surpass ourselves.


      you are heartless, i break righteousness, from then on straight line forever parallel!


      sometimes i just want to cry a lot. i can't express my emotion.


      all deep love is secret, so deep love is only for you.


      you often lie. can you lie to me again and say you love me.


      if the outcome is not what i want, then i would rather not participate in the process.


      years don't spare, i can't escape the hurt you give.


      in fact, the best day is nothing more than you make him laugh, so warm life.


      the world is one me, why don't you love me well.


      lock the madness in your heart, not for fear of others, but for fear of yourself.


      i am the only one who knows the deepest thoughts of my soul.


      perhaps, we are the same, are reluctant to aggrieve themselves.


      in the days without you, everything is so blank. break up, what else.


      finally, do not love or hate. maybe this is the final perfection.


      i see you as my life, you think i'm sick.


      the tears on the face can be wiped off with a paper towel. what should the pain in the heart be wiped off with?


      you are speechless, i am speechless, it is a thousand words.


      new love is only new love, old love is eternal love.


      just want to be a quiet passer-by in your life, that's all.


      i just hope that i will never be that fool again.


      you are just a joke, but i accompanied the whole youth.


      clearly only deleted one you, but empty a whole list.


      many times, god's favor depends on his perseverance to protect.


      when i have enough disappointment, i will learn to let go.


      love, it turns out to be drinking poison with a smile!


      you are the distance i can't expect, i am the lowliness you can get.


      maybe i miss it a little bit, but i miss the time that i can't go back.


      you make me practice smiling. i wonder who i'll show my smile to.


      in fact, you don't know how many times i want to hug you.


      efforts may be let down, but giving up will never be let down.


      just waiting for you, waiting for you to leave my heart every day.


      there is a kind of goodbye is never said, but the heart is clear, everything is over.


      you smiled and tears let me go, suddenly i feel the sky collapsed.


      you and i are doomed to spend the thorny road together, the rest of our lives are rough and separate.


      for the rest of your life, you'll never forget it!


      if you can, please love me as i love you in the next life.


      i still love you, but i can't hug you anymore.


      without the tears of the author, there would be no tears of the reader.


      fear of rejection, fear of neglect, fear of compromise from life.


      hurt through the fleeting years, stabbing the heart full of helplessness.


      on the way i walk, the flowers will open for the next time.


      i know you don't want to disappear in my world.


      giving up a person is never an instant thing.


      your phantom is still by my side, but people, heart.


      i said love, you said friendship. sad and hurt the liver.


      when you are wronged, just squat in the corner and hug yourself.


      the most painful thing is not to leave, but to remember after leaving.


      use time and heart to see a person, not eyes.


      go to bed early. he won't come to you even after the night.

繁华沧桑2024-03-24 15:10:10




















