



      having too many expectations will make you disappointed.


      feelings don't need to be generous, but deep feelings don't need to be displayed.


      love, play, hurt, make, violate, lose, finally we are tired!


      i never blame you, but sometimes i'm disappointed.


      what you play is routine, and what fails me is affection.


      there will always be a tear, let us grow up in an instant.


      just now we broke up. wish me a happy break up.


      return you a dream, from then on, i only drink ice.


      determined to forget you, but how can i do it.


      unfortunately, time is not enough, we can't try this distance forever.


      i've heard all the wonderful stories that happen to other people.


      when i've had enough disappointment, i'll leave.


      some people leave, also took your heart.


      when you are silent, you are too attentive and quiet my whole world.


      love is heartache without reason and tolerance without premise.


      memories are still warm, but the promise has cooled.


      i'm not a vicious person, but i've been forced to think deeply.


      i gamble with the happiness of my life. how can you give me up to lose.


      you pale my waiting and satirize my persistence.


      after a dream, i found that the pain had reached the depth of my soul.


      on my most sad night, i lived alone.


      love is not a joke.


      i know the truth, but sober people are the most sad.


      meet but a dream, you and i are passers-by.


      if love can come again, will i still love black and white.


      those who have really worked hard will understand the importance of talent.


      i feel very sad, i can't say it again.


      going to your city, blowing the wind you've blown, is it embracing.


      after being hurt, the first feeling when meeting someone you like is fear.


      for people who love each other, the heart of the other is the best house.


      can find, can't find, anyway, i lost sleep.


      love you is not my intention, but i can not resist the choice.


      forget you, is to prove that i can forget you.


      in fact, it's the amazing person who always accompanies you.


      you don't really understand the definition of loneliness.


      love words and stop in the mouth, strange embrace repeatedly many times.


      in order to avoid the end, you avoid the beginning.


      because love, so compassion; because understand, so tolerance.


      i will love you well, don't cry, don't give up.


      originally hate the rainy sky, until i heard you say you love me.


      sudden grievances, even with a stiff smile.


      i don't mind people walking in the cold, lonely better than never forget.


      life is simple, life is quiet.


      you and i have difficulties. why do you have to tell us that you can't help yourself?


      those who can't get it are always concerned, and those who share it are always tired.


      i want someone to understand me, even if i didn't say anything.


      it only takes one second for you to turn around, but it takes a lifetime for me to turn around.


      i will always be willing to be an audience, comfort your pain.


      knowing that there is no result, but reluctant to leave.


      i miss it. you don't miss it anymore.

朗月清风2024-03-27 12:15:49




















