



      there is no one who missed, and all who will leave are passers-by.


      it's hard to avoid separation when meeting, but not embracing when meeting.


      although cinderella in the fairy tale is poor, she is very beautiful. are you beautiful?


      there is always something to be done, and this good time cannot be wasted.


      you walk in your sunshine way, i walk in my single wooden bridge, each of which is not in debt.


      either hold me tight or roll away. don't drag me half dead.


      if i am not dispensable, how can you be hot and cold.


      if god gives me another chance to meet you, i will turn around and go!


      only when you trip will you have a chance to hold your hand.


      thank god for what i have, thank god for what i don't have.


      if you add me to your daily life, will you feel crowded.


      for the latecomer, whenever you come, it's not too late.


      once upon a time, i liked to be busy, and then i hated the crowd. it's better to be alone than to have promiscuity.


      you'll have to live through the days when no one cares, to embrace your poetry and distance.


      always believe in good people and things, may be late, but never absent.


      i'm not a natural king, but i have blood in my bones.


      anyway, you don't want to beat me. i'm itching. let's have a fight.


      only by using little water can we achieve the ocean, and by not accumulating little goodness, we cannot achieve perfection and supreme virtue.


      our story starts with strangers and ends with strangers.


      success is a concept, getting rich is a duty, and happiness is a power.


      if you don't like me, i suggest you reflect on yourself.


      life is just a journey. after seeing the world of mortals, you will eventually embark on a return journey.


      life will give you candy and scars.


      sometimes people who smile are suffering in the most beautiful way.


      now what makes me tired, i want to give up what, do not reason.


      the first time i saw you, i didn't know you were a toby.


      you can say to leave, but i can't say to keep.


      the stage extends as far as the heart goes.


      i know it's not necessarily a swordsman with a sword, but he must be a swordsman.


      my youth is not so gorgeous, it's just a luxury.


      it will be dark and people will change. three emotions, seven lies.


      don't care at all, why explain again.


      don't pretend to be shy with me. i can see that you are shameless!


      write one sad word after another, how can not write their own mood.


      maybe it's a bit of a pain, but really, it's good to get through.


      not for love, but for eternity.


      it's just a moment of impulse to love you, but i want to be impulsive all my life.


      i will make onions in the next life. whoever bullies me, i will make everyone cry.


      in chang'an building, i count the drizzle and boil a bottle of red dust to read qing.


      too many complaints, that will only make your own heart more tired.


      no matter how hard it is, life should be smiling.


      you'd better hate me and pursue me with your whole life, or i won't let you live.


      every time i quarrel with others, i always feel that i haven't played well and i want to quarrel again.


      don't say sorry to me, because i'm not sure it doesn't matter to say it to you with a smile.


      we are all small. don't say love is so complicated, just like it or not.


      not because of the beauty of the scenery, but because of the person who accompanies you to see the scenery.


      the goods have expiration date, and people are tired of seeing them. when are you in my heart.


      i'll never find the manuscript, and then i'll erase you.


      you're having sex with your sisters. can you believe that my fart is killing you?


      my love is for you. your smile fills my heart.


      the world itself is unfair, and the globe is always tilted.


      picturesque rivers and mountains, life and death two boundless wait for you to forget the river, drink to break the heart.


      the sun is high, the wind blows on my face, leaving a little warmth.


      a lot of people said that i had changed, but no one asked me what i had experienced.


      emotion is the devil of the heart. if you don't control it, it will devour you.


      be cool. it's not for me.


      i come from afar, just as you are.


      in good youth, don't be too hard on yourself.


      if you hate me, i don't mind at all. i don't live to please you.


      the relationship is at stake, the two people do not trust is the end of the absolute.

一笑而过2024-03-24 15:16:10




















