



      please cherish every drop of water.


      water is life, please cherish water resources.


      save every drop of water for the benefit of all mankind.


      save water and protect water source.


      set up the good fashion of everyone cherishing water and saving water.


      everyone protects water and environment.


      if the mountain is sharp, it is not high; if the water is narrow, it is not deep.


      we should strengthen the management of urban water conservation and protect urban water resources.


      everyone should save water and fight against water shortage.


      please cherish the precious source of life.


      cherish water, love water, save water, start with me.


      water conservation benefits mankind, benefits in the contemporary era, and merits in the future.


      we should put water conservation in the first place and strive to build a water-saving city.


      hot water and coal consumption of blast furnace, cherish hot water and do not pour it randomly.


      save water and cherish life.


      water is the source of life, save water.


      protect the earth and cherish resources.


      cherish every bit, cherish the source of life.


      wood without root will wither, water without source will be exhausted.


      cherish the sustainable use of resources, green environment, purify the soul.


      water is the source of life, the lifeblood of agriculture and the blood of industry.


      if we do not save water, the last drop of water on the earth will be human tears.


      please cherish and cherish the source of every drop of life.


      today, save a drop of water, leaving a drop of blood for future generations.


      the last drop of water on earth will be human tears.


      running water is the blood of nature. destroying water source is equal to polluting one's own blood.


      please move your hand and turn off the tap.


      saving water is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen.


      everyone is responsible for saving energy.


      saving water means cherishing life.


      please wipe away my tears with your hands.


      please protect water resources.


      save resources and benefit future generations.


      there is no way to waste water and save water.


      water is the source of life, please save every drop of water.


      we should cherish water resources as much as we love our eyes.


      the key to saving water is to use water rationally and scientifically.


      save every drop of water for the benefit of all mankind.


      it is the common responsibility of the whole society to save water and protect water resources.


      new bathers will spring crown, new bath will shake clothes.

心疼自己每一秒2024-03-25 14:18:01




















