



      habit is man's most powerful guide.


      only by making friends with students can we hear what they have in mind.


      without love, there is no education.


      ask every student to look up and walk in school.


      a good teacher is a person who understands psychology and pedagogy.


      only wide can accommodate people, only thick can carry things.


      a good gentleman does not teach, does not teach, but teaches.


      no one can educate himself or others.


      if anyone can't educate himself, he can't educate others.


      life is education, society is school, and teaching is one.


      there are no bad students, only teachers who can't teach.


      to teach without studying is shallow, to study without teaching is empty.


      when we use labor to create beauty, beauty can make people's sentiment more noble.


      the vastness of spirit, the activity of imagination, and the diligence of the mind are genius.


      loving children is the most important thing in a teacher's life.


      failure is the mother of success, struggle is the father of success.


      everyone who is determined to devote himself to education should tolerate the weaknesses of children.


      both hands and brain are the purpose of creative education.


      our life, we make our own decisions!


      the greatest thing in the world is to know how to spread knowledge to others!


      education is the process of life, not the preparation of future life.


      only love is the best teacher, it is far more than a sense of responsibility.


      education is not to teach students what to think, but how to think!


      since thought exists in labor, people depend on labor to survive.


      those who teach others teach already, and those who work hard.


      love is the foundation of teaching success, and innovation is the hope of education.


      regard students as their own children, what they pay is true love.


      unlimited faith in the power of books is one of the truths of my educational belief.


      to love a student is to shape a student, to hate a student is to destroy a student.


      there is law in teaching, but there is no definite law in teaching.


      the hardest thing to do in the world is change!


      to be good at inspiring students is the most valuable experience in education.


      only when we believe that everyone can become a talent, can we find a good way for the development of students.


      appreciation is conducive to students' success in learning; complaint will definitely lead to students' failure in learning.


      holding a heart, do not take half grass.


      education is a career, and the significance of career lies in dedication.

烟久如画2024-03-24 15:17:58




















