


      Bean是可数名词,有复数形式,bean的复数形式为beans。beans作名词,意思是豆;豆形果实。例句:The diet was frugal:cheese and water,rice and beans.饮食很简单:奶酪、水、米饭、豆类。Canned varieties of beans and pulses are a good standby.各种豆类罐头制品是很好的常备食品。


      1、The bean like seeds of this plant,enclosed within a pulpy fruit.


      2、Application of HACCP to the traditional bean production in process


      3、I can't eat beans─they give me wind.


      4、The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.


      5、Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.


      6、Peas,beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein.


      7、I usually soak the beans overnight.


      8、She slopped some beans onto a plate.


      9、Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans


      10、He ate a simple dinner of rice and beans.


      11、dark brown beans with a rather tough outer skin.


      12、It's quite incredible to think that he now hasn't got a bean


      13、It doesn't cost a bean.


      14、It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.


      15、Serve hot,with pasta or rice and French beans


      16、The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee


      17、Broad beans are very much an acquired taste


      18、Jem was full of beans after a long sleep.


      19、Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup


      20、Sprouted beans only need to be cooked for 1-2 minutes.



      1、The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee


      2、Sausages,eggs,chips and baked beans are available at suppertime in the dining room.


      3、I can't eat beans─they give me wind.


      4、The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.


      5、Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.


      6、Peas,beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein.


      7、I usually soak the beans overnight.


      8、She slopped some beans onto a plate.


      9、Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans


      10、He ate a simple dinner of rice and beans.


      11、dark brown beans with a rather tough outer skin.


      12、It's quite incredible to think that he now hasn't got a bean


      13、It doesn't cost a bean.


      14、It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.


      15、Serve hot,with pasta or rice and French beans


      16、Broad beans are very much an acquired taste


      17、Jem was full of beans after a long sleep.


      18、Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup


      19、Sprouted beans only need to be cooked for 1-2 minutes.


      20、Fibre is found in cereal foods,beans,fruit and vegetables.


踏踏实实2024-01-08 14:57:46




















