


      英 [rɔ:(r)]

      美 [rɔr, ror]



      名词: roarer 过去式: roared 过去分词: roared 现在分词: roaring 第三人称单数: roars


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  •       喧闹
  •       使轰鸣
  •       大声喊出
  •       呼喊
  •       大声歌唱
  •       喘鸣
  •       高唱
  •       咆哮
  •       大声讲
  •       吼
  •       呼啸
  •       怒号
  •       呼号
  •       吆喝
  •       诉苦
  •       狂笑
  •       哄笑
  •       大笑
  •       大声喊叫而造成某情况
  •       轰鸣
  •       反响
  •       叫喊得使…
  •       吼叫
  •       大声地说
  •       放声大笑
  •       怒吼
  •       大哭
  •       熊熊燃烧
  •       大喊大叫
  •       回响


  •       咆哮
  •       呼叫
  •       大笑声
  •       轰鸣声
  •       怒号
  •       轰鸣
  •       吼(声)
  •       叫唤
  •       喧哗
  •       鼓噪
  •       怒吼
  •       炮声
  •       嗡嗡声
  •       鼎沸的人声
  •       大笑
  •       喧闹声
  •       呼啸声
  •       吼叫
  •       隆隆声


  •       vi. 咆哮,轰鸣 give a roar
  •       vt. & vi. 大声喊出 say or express loudly or with force

      1. 呼啸而过;轰鸣着疾驰
      If something, usually a vehicle, roars somewhere, it goes there very fast, making a loud noise.

      e.g. A police car roared past...
      e.g. The plane roared down the runway for takeoff...

      2. 咆哮;轰鸣;发出巨响
      If something roars, it makes a very loud noise.


      e.g. The engine roared, and the vehicle leapt forward...
      e.g. Her heart was pounding and the blood roared in her ears.

      3. 大笑;狂笑
      If someone roars with laughter, they laugh in a very noisy way.

      e.g. Max threw back his head and roared with laughter.

      4. 大吼;喊叫;吼叫
      If someone roars, they shout something in a very loud voice.

      e.g. 'I'll kill you for that,' he roared...
      e.g. During the playing of the national anthem the crowd roared and whistled...

      5. (狮子)吼叫,咆哮
      When a lion roars, it makes the loud sound that lions typically make.

      e.g. The lion roared once, and sprang.

      1. 吼叫:对澳洲电影龙套身份彻底厌倦后的希斯,把眼光伸向了另半个地球的好莱坞,以俊朗澳洲男孩形象亮相的希斯,面对的却仍是在剧集<>(Roar)中跑龙套的宿命,然而此行却帮他成功吸引到澳洲本土导演格雷格-乔丹的注意,

      2. 吼:1981年问世的<>(Roar)一片,由蒂比同时担任主演和制片人,成为她一生事业的转折点. 她开始积极参与到动物权利保护的活动中来,同时热心投身于人道主义和环保事业中. 1985年第三次结婚,之后把大量精力投在慈善事业方面,


      3. roar:read – only address register; 只读地址寄存器

      4. roar什么意思

      4. roar:radar obsolescence availability recovery; 雷达老化可用性回收

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    向…大声叫; 因…大声笑 shout at sb loudly; laugh loudly
    roar at sb

          It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.


          You needn't roar at me.


          The sergeant roared at the soldiers.


          The audience roared at the pantomime.



  •       Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion?
  •       The injured man roared in pain.
  •       He roared with anger.
  •       His jokes made us all roar.
  •       The tiger roared.
  •       An aircraft roared away overhead.
  •       Our cannon roared as the enemy ship approached.
  •       Several lorries roared past.
  •       She threw more wood into the stove and soon the fire was roaring.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The panther's roar came muffled, while I sat Low in the valley.

  •       The volume of cheering below in the street increased to a deafening roar.

    出自:J. G. Farrell
  •       When he spoke at all, he roared at everyone.

    出自:G. Vidal
  •       One of the events sure to get the crowds roaring.

    出自:Evening News (Worcester)
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       roar指人或动物在表达各种情感时发出低沉、嘶哑、拉长的叫喊声,含有“吼”“咆哮”“狂笑”的意味。还可表示“轰鸣地驶过或飞过”。
  •       roar用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,也可接“oneself+ adj. ”构成的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常跟副词down, out或介词at, with连用。


roar, bellow, bluster, clamour, vociferate
  •       这组词都有“连续不断或拖常地发出声音”的意思。它们的区别是:roar指人或动物为表达各种感情而发出的低沉、嘶哑、拉长的叫喊声; bellow指在空腔中的回响或从远方传来的轰鸣; bluster指风暴的咆哮,引申为声音很大但空洞、无用的叫嚷; clamour指各种声音混杂的吵闹声; vociferate指因为愤怒或激动而发出的叫喊声,尤指呼救声或抗议声。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的rarian,意为恸哭。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Let me hear your roar.(让我听听你的吼声。)

          The lion gave a big roar.(狮子大吼了一声。)

          I could barely hear above the roar of traffic.(过往车辆的轰鸣声使我几乎什么也听不见。)

          Is all this because you can't roar?(这一切都是因为你不会咆哮吗?)

          You can hear the fir-trees roar here, can't you?(你在这里能听到冷杉树的呼啸声,是吗?)

          When she woke up in the morning and could not hear the fir-trees roar, she would wonder where she was.(当她早上醒来,听不到枞树的轰鸣声时,她会想知道自己在哪里。)

          They drown out Orpheus' music with the hideous roar of their howlings and their screamings and they tear him limb from limb.(她们用可怕的咆哮和尖叫淹没了俄耳甫斯的音乐,把音乐撕成了碎片。)

          You don't need to roar in the public place.(你不必在公共场所大声嚷嚷。)

          Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy lorry.(他们不时听见一辆重型卡车的轰响声。)

          Can you hear the white lion's roar?(你能听到白狮子的吼叫声吗?)

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