
climacteric的用法 2024年07月23日 00:23:08

      英 [klaɪ'mæktərɪk]

      美 [ˌklaɪmæk'terɪk]





  •       英英释义
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      1. the time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends

      Synonym: menopausechange of life

      2. a period in a man's life corresponding to menopause


      1. 更年期:更年期(climacteric)是指妇女卵巢生理机能逐渐减退以致完全丧失的这段过渡时期,停经(menopause)是指一年以上没有月经. 我国妇女平均停经年龄一般是48-50岁左右,大约有二到五年的时间,女性体内会产生因停经而来的生理变化,

      2. 呼吸跃变:尖向鲎的外形 (afterdischarge)中枢兴奋都由刺激引起,但当刺激的作用停止后,后兽亚纲 (Metatheria)哺乳纲的一个亚纲. 又称有袋亚纲. 在进化上为界于卵呼吸跃变 (climacteric)指某些肉质果实从生长停止至开始进入衰老之间的时


      3. 呼吸跃变,呼吸(高)峰:Cleveland procedure Cleveland 程序[用于肽作图] | climacteric 呼吸跃变,呼吸(高)峰 | climbing movement [植物]攀缘运动

      4. climacteric

      4. 转变期:clift 绝壁 | climacteric 转变期 | climactic 顶点的

  •       近义词
  •       临近词


      There are two systems which regulate ethylene production in respiration climacteric fruit.(跃变型果实中乙烯生成有两个调节系统。)

      Objective to explore electrocardiogram change of climacteric women with cardiac autonomous nerve function disorder.(目的探讨以心植物神经功能紊乱为主的更年期妇女心电图改变。)

      Objective: To investigate the efficacy of sporoderm-broken ganoderma spores in treatment of male climacteric syndrome.(目的:探讨全破壁灵芝孢子治疗法对男性更年期综合征的疗效。)

      Results showed that winter-jujube was not a kind of climacteric fruit.(试验结果表明,冬枣属于非呼吸跃变型果实;)

      Conclusion GLS is effective in the treatment of redness of climacteric syndrome.(结论GLS对试验性更年期潮热证具有治疗作用。)

      Objective: to investigate the influence of psychosocial factors to climacteric emotional disorder.(目的:探讨更年期情绪障碍患者的激素水平及心理社会影响因素。)

      To study the effect of kunningan pill on reproductive endocrine immune of patient with climacteric syndrome.(目的:研究坤宁安丸对更年期综合征患者生殖内分泌—免疫功能的调节。)

      Objective to observe the clinical effect of therapy in climacteric symptoms with Gengle patches.(目的观察更乐贴片治疗绝经期症状的临床效果。)

      Analysis of the Clinical Effect of Electroacupuncture on Peri - climacteric Syndrome.(电针治疗围绝经期综合征的临床效应分析。)

      Purpose To observe the curative effect of acupuncture on female climacteric syndrome.(目的观察针刺治疗女性更年期综合征的疗效。)

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