come by

come 2024年07月16日 02:38:23

      英 [kʌm bai]

      美 [kʌm baɪ]

come by基本解释

      从旁边走过; 得到; 获得;经过,过来


  •       英英释义
  •       词典解释
  •       网络解释


      1. obtain, especially accidentally

      Synonym: come into

      2. visit informally and spontaneously

      e.g. We frequently drop by the neighbors' house for a cup of coffee

      Synonym: drop bydrop in

      1. 弄到;得到
      To come by something means to obtain it or find it.

      e.g. How did you comeby that cheque?...
      e.g. In rural France, English language magazines are rather hard to comeby.

      1. 从旁走过;得到:come before 在...之前来 | comeby 从旁走过;得到 | come down 败落

      2. 获得:come across 碰见 | comeby 获得 | come down with 因...病倒

      3. come by的解释

      3. (走)过来 time 及时 | 15.comeby (走)过来 | 16.give sb a ride 让某人搭车


      4. 参观,访问,拜访:come along 进展; 一块来去 | comeby 参观,访问,拜访 | come in 进来,到达,起作用

  •       情景对话


      A:(Why don’t I/ May I/ Can I) comeby your office tomorrow to sign the lease?

      B:Yeah, all right.

      Renting a house-(租房)

      B:Hi, I’m Mary Smith.

      A:Hello, I’m the landlord. John Taylor.

      B:Nice to meet you Mr. Taylor.

      come by什么意思

      A:Please, call me John.

      B:O.K., John. Well, can I have a look at the place?

      A:Sure. Come on it. We just finished rebuilding everything.

      come by什么意思

      B:Oh, it hasn’t been painted yet.

      come by什么意思

      A:No, we’re going to get that done next week.

      B:Well. It’s certainly nice. You’ve done a great job.

      A:Thank you.

      B:The rent is $600 a month?

      A:That’s right.

      B:Well, I think I’ll take it. Can I write you a check for the security deposit now? $1200?

      come by的近义词

      A:Yeah. But why don’t you comeby your office tomorrow to sign the lease?

      B:That would be fine.

      A:Thank you. See you tomorrow.

      B:See you.


      come by的近义词

      B:Hey, Tom, what to go for a run?

      come by什么意思

      A:No thanks. I like to run in the morning. I ran a couple of miles when I woke up today.

      B:I try to do that, but I can’t get up early enough.

      A:I couldn’t either at first, but you get used to it.

      B:It’s so hot at lunchtime; I’d rather run in the morning.

      A:Well, why don’t you come tomorrow? I’ll stop by your house on my way out.

      B:I could try, but I can’t say for sure if I’ll get up in time. What time do you want to go?

      A:I’ll give you a call around 6:00 and stop by around 6:30.

      B:O.K., maybe if I have someone to go with, I’ll be able to get up in time for a jog.

      A:Great, I’ll see you then.

      B:See you.

  •       近义词
  •       临近词


      In 1955, it's a little hard to come by.(在1955年,想得到它确实有一点困难。)

      I will come by tomorrow afternoon.(明天下午我再来。)

      Did you come by the nearest road?(你是由最近的路来的吗?)

      This medicinal herb is hard to come by.(这种草药很难得。)

      How did you come by that scratch on your cheek?(你脸颊上的抓伤是怎么来的?)

      Raw materials and labour come by ship , rail or road.(从水上、铁路和公路运来原料和工人。)

      I'll come by tomorrow around this time.(明天的这个时候我会来找你的。)

      Would you be free to come by then?(到时你有时间过来吗?)

      General (free) support is very hard to come by.(普通(免费)支持将来也会很困难。)

      But good jobs are hard to come by in the Delta.(但是在三角洲地区,想找一份好工作还是很困难。)

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      come by是什么意思 come by在线翻译 come by什么意思 come by的意思 come by的翻译 come by的解释 come by的发音 come by的同义词
