fire alarm

fire 2024年07月23日 00:29:02

      英 [ˈfaiə əˈlɑ:m]

      美 [faɪr əˈlɑrm]

fire alarm基本解释



      第三人称复数:fire alarms

  •       英英释义
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      1. an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke

      Synonym: smoke alarm

      2. a shout or bell to warn that fire has broken out

      1. 火警报警器;火警钟
      A fire alarm is a device that makes a noise, for example with a bell, to warn people when there is a fire.

      1. 火灾报警:使用低压电力线进行通信,可以方便的组建计算机局域网(LAN)、传递远程监视图像、实现自动抄表(Automatic Meter Reading)系统和用于火灾报警(FireAlarm)系统等.


      2. 火警钟;火警警报:finishing works 终饰工程 | firealarm 火警钟;火警警报 | firealarm breakglass unit 易碎玻璃警报器;火警警报玻璃箱

      3. 火警警报器,火警钟:fine-adjustment 微调,细调 | firealarm 火警警报器,火警钟 | first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律

  •       近义词
  •       临近词


      Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems.(大多数还配备了火灾自动报警系统。)

      The necessity of installing the residual current fire alarm system was analyzed.(分析了设置剩余电流火灾报警系统的必要性。)

      We are all exhausted and collapse into our dorms - but are woken suddenly by a fire alarm.(我们都累坏了,瘫倒在自己的房间里,但突然被火灾警报惊醒了。)

      When the fire alarm rang we assembled outside the emergency exit.(当火警信号响起时,我们都聚集到紧急出口外。)

      A: Is the fire alarm working?(A:这个火警警报器好用吗?)

      We lit out of the library when the fire alarm sounded.(火警声响了以后我们立即离开了图书馆。)

      Who set off the fire alarm?(谁拉响了火警报警器?)

      Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.(之后火警响了,我只抓起衣服就跑了出去。)

      The smoke sets off the fire alarm.(烟雾触发了火警报警器。)

      If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait.(如果你能理解这样一个滥俗的比喻:我们已经拉响了火警警报,接下来能做的只有等待。)

      手机查看fire alarm的意思,关注 好工具hao86 公众号后发送 fire alarm 即可



      fire alarm是什么意思 fire alarm在线翻译 fire alarm什么意思 fire alarm的意思 fire alarm的翻译 fire alarm的解释 fire alarm的发音 fire alarm的同义词
