
globular的用法 2024年07月23日 00:30:25

      英 [ˈglɒbjələ(r)]

      美 [ˈglɑ:bjələ(r)]




      副词: globularly 名词: globularness

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      1. 球形的;球体的;球状的
      A globular object is shaped like a ball.

      e.g. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.


      1. 球状:所以,腮腺造影的典型表现为,主导管正常,腺内分支导管纤细、减少或不显影,末梢导管呈斑点状(punctate)(图34一2),小球状(globular)(图34一3)或腔洞状(cavitary)扩张(sialectasis)(图34一4).

      2. 球状的:globular sailing 球面航行法 | globular 球状的 | globularity 球状

      3. 球的:globe 球 | globular 球的 | gluing theorem 胶合定理

      4. 球形的:globoid 球体 | globular 球形的 | globular actin 球肌动蛋白

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      Protein grains were stored in endosperm cells at early stage of globular embryo.(在球形胚前期,胚乳细胞中已积累大量的蛋白质颗粒。)

      Surrounding the Milky Way are thousands of spherical globular star clusters containing some of the oldest stars in the Universe.(上千球状星团围绕着银河,其中包含一些宇宙中最老的星星。)

      But modern human baby brains grow more globular in the first year of life, changes that reflect a massive wave of neural development.(但现代人类婴儿的大脑在婴儿出生后的一年内会越长越圆,这对大脑神经系统发育意义重大;)

      Omega Cen is the largest of 200 or so known globular clusters that roam the halo of our Milky Way galaxy.(半人马座是已知的漫游在我们银河系光环中的200多个星团中最大的。)

      Most of the antibodies we produce bind to the globular heads of a surface protein on the virus called haemagglutinin.(我们产生的多数抗体是与病毒表面蛋白血凝素的球状头部结合的。)

      At more than ten billion years old, globular clusters are some of the oldest objects in the universe.(球状星团的寿命超过十亿年,是宇宙中最古老的物质之一。)

      This thesis discusses CAD for globular indexing CAM mechanism on base of reverse engineering.(本文是围绕弧面分度凸轮机构CAD中的逆向设计进行的。)

      Globular clusters once ruled the Milky Way.(球状星团曾经统治着银河系。)

      whether it hosts a good variety of different types of star, which excludes globular clusters which contain only similar stars;(是不是有丰富种类的恒星,球状星团这样只包含类型体的要被排除;)

      The image shows both old stars and youngstars, a galactic globular cluster and emission from dust in our owngalaxy(图像既显示了老星,也显示了新星,还显示了一个星系的球状星团和我们自己星系尘埃的辐射。)

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