intensive care unit

intensive 2024年07月23日 00:33:18

      英 [inˈtensiv kɛə ˈju:nit]

      美 [ɪnˈtɛnsɪv kɛr ˈjunɪt]

intensive care unit基本解释



  •       英英释义
  •       网络解释


      1. a hospital unit staffed and equipped to provide intensive care

      Synonym: ICU

      1. 监护室:PON, 与对人体有益的高密度脂蛋白( HDL)结合在一起的一种酶,防止有害于人体的低密度脂蛋白 LDL被破坏从而导...摘要:在重症监护室(intensivecareunit),经皮扩张气管造口术(percutaneous dilational tracheostomy)比传统的气管切开术更容易操作,

      2. 重症监护室:WestportJun 05 (Reuters Health)芬兰进行的一项试验表明,在重症监护室(intensivecareunit),经皮...(英普利茅茨)Magainin制药集团(纳斯达克挂牌为MAGN)及其合作者于东部时间6月26日向媒介公布了其对肺部粘液相关基因的调节机制的研究结果.

      3. intensive care unit的翻译

      3. 重症监护病房:以英国为例,普通病房护士与病床的比例一般是1:1;恢复病房(High Dependent Unit)护士与病床的比例大约是2:1;重症监护病房(IntensiveCareUnit)护士与病床的比例大约是5~6:1.

  •       近义词
  •       临近词


      Lorraine, Terry's wife of 25 years, remembers seeing him in the 15 intensive care unit for the first time after the accident.(和特里生活了25年的妻子洛兰,回忆起事故后第一次在重症监护病房看到丈夫时的情形。)

      The patients placed in the intensive care unit, who comprised 5% of the total, took up 75% of the overall treatment cost for all self-poisoned patients at the general hospital.(重症监护病房内的患者占总量的5%,但他们的治疗费用却占综合医院内所有自体中毒患者治疗费用总额的75%。)

      Objective To explore the characteristics of blood acid base disturbance and serum anion gap (AG) of neonates in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).(目的探讨新生儿重症监护室(NICU)中新生儿血液酸碱失衡和阴离子间隙(AG)的特点。)

      Admission to intensive care unit (ICU) was the secondary outcome measure and a surrogate measure of morbidity.(次要指标为入住重症监护病房(icu),并将此作为发病率的替代指标。)

      Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy's, Nordstrom, and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of an intensive care unit.(梅西百货、诺德斯特龙和塔吉特等大型零售商店发布的财报,就像参观重症监护室一样令人振奋。)

      A patient in the intensive care unit where I work is dying from an infection that is resistant to all known antibiotics.(我工作的重症监护病房的一位病人因为一种对所有已知抗生素均有抗体反应的感染正在濒临死亡。)

      Precaution, early diagnosis and therapy, and to cure in neurosurgery intensive care unit(NICU) can improve its prognosis.(预防、早期诊断治疗以及在神经外科重症监护室(NICU)内治疗可以改善预后;)

      This paper reports a specific attempt to design one organizational subunit, a pediatric intensive care unit, to function under difficult circumstances.(本文试图设计一个组织的子单位——一个小儿科医疗单位,以使它能够在不同环境条件下发挥功能。)

      While 67% of babies required admission to the neonatal intensive care unit at 34 weeks, only 7% of those born at 38 weeks required the same care.(胎龄34周的婴儿中有67%需要进新生儿特护病房,而37周出生的婴儿这一数字仅为7%。)

      Objective To investigate the value of applications on tube changer which was used in treating the difficult tracheal intubations in intensive care unit.(目的探讨换管器在重症监护室困难气管插管中的应用价值。)