
taxicab的用法 2024年07月23日 00:46:23

      英 ['tæksɪkæb]

      美 [ˈtæksiˌkæb]





  •       英英释义
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      1. a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money

      Synonym: cabhacktaxi

      1. 同 taxi
      A taxicab is the same as a taxi .

      1. 出租车:taxi 出租车 | taxicab 出租车 | truck 卡车

      2. 计程车:16. seat belt 安全带 | 18. taxicab 计程车 | 19. transit 运输;通过

      3. 出租汽车:taxi 出租汽车 | taxicab 出租汽车 | taxiing 滑行

      4. 营业小客车,计程汽车:营业小客车,计程汽车 taxicab | 里程计费表 taxi-meter | 滑行道(航空) taxi-way

  •       近义词
  •       临近词


      After struggling to follow all the lead-related rules, Mrs. Miller is now worried about the safety of sending her children to school in a taxicab from their temporary home.(米勒太太竭尽全力遵守所有与铅污染有关的注意事项,但她现在又在担心让孩子从临时家里乘出租车上学是否安全。)

      This little piggy took a taxicab.(这只小猪做出租车。)

      Taxicab drivers have to be rough and tumble fellows to be able to take it in New York.(的士司机得凶狠粗暴才能在纽约干这一行。)

      In this image, the photographer combined two famous London features: a London taxicab and Westminster Abbey.(在这个图像,摄影师组合两个伦敦著名的容貌:伦敦出租车和威斯敏斯特教堂。)

      If a computer recognizes that a photo likely was taken in Japan, for instance, the computer will have a better idea of what a taxicab should look like.(例如电脑识别出这张照片像是在日本拍摄的,电脑将会更清楚了解计程车的应该是什么样子。)

      Much scholarly research has since been dedicated to so-called taxicab Numbers like these.(后来就有很多学术研究专门针对这种数字,这个数字后来就叫做的士数。)

      Then, I could hook up another ambulance and a taxicab, a police car, a fire truck.(接着我可以联接另一辆救护车和出租车,警车和消防车。)

      French taxicab driver once played a joke on Sir Arthur Conna Doyle.(有一次一个法国出租汽车司机开了亚瑟·柯南道尔爵士一个玩笑。)

      Flying, driving a rental car or taking a taxicab would fall into that category.(乘飞机、驾驶租用的汽车或搭乘出租车都属于这个类别。)

      In a taxicab on a rainy day in New York City, Gretchen Rubin, 41, suddenly asked herself what she wanted most in life.(在一个雨天,坐在纽约的一辆出租车上,41岁的格雷琴。卢宾突然问她自己,生活中她最想要的是什么。)