
quantities的用法 2024年07月16日 02:55:36

      英 [k'wɒntɪtɪz]

      美 [k'wɒntɪtɪz]





  •       网络解释

      1. quantities是什么意思

      1. 数量:库存(Inventory)类中的数量(quantities)属性是仓库(Stock)与零部件/产品(Component/Product)类的结合点,不同的链接,有不同的值. 这个模型允许设计者定义不同类型的仓库,作为单独的物品集合;例如,零部件仓库,产品仓库.

      2. 量:尽管我上来就作出的提示看似不言而喻,但人们在法庭几乎每天都可以听到的辩论以及大量的审判意见都充分证明,人们存在一种根深蒂固的不幸倾向,即在具体问题上往往混淆、参合法律量和非法律量(quantities).

      3. 工程量:工程力学 engineering mechanics | 工程量 quantities | 工程量表 quantity sheet; quantities bill

      4. 量值 单位 符号 换算系数[瑞典]:TC 11 锅炉及压力容器[美国] Boilers and pressure vesse... | TC 12 量值.单位.符号.换算系数[瑞典] Quantities, units, symbols, conversion factors | TC 14 机器轴及附件[德国] Shafts for machinery and accesso...

  •       临近词


      They captured more than ten thousand prisoners and large quantities of arms in that campaign.(在那次战役中,他们俘虏了一万多名俘虏,缴获了大量武器。)

      Large quantities of drugs were found during a police swoop on the star's New York home.(警方对这位明星在纽约的住所进行突击搜查,发现了大量毒品。)

      Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.(大批采购比少量购买更经济实惠。)

      Dairy cattle similarly produce vast quantities of GHG emissions.(奶牛也同样产生大量的温室气体。)

      I hear quantities of money have been collected for the earthquake-hit area.(我听说人们已经为地震灾区筹集了大量的资金。)

      Alcohol can also damage the liver and do great harm if consumed in large quantities.(酒会损害肝脏,如果大量饮用会造成很大的伤害。)

      They may have weaponized quantities of anthrax.(他们可能已将大量炭疽制成了武器。)

      Monkeys shed large quantities of hair in places where they sleep.(猴子会在睡觉的地方掉下大量的毛发。)

      Large quantities of water may also be stored in limestones when joints and cracks have been enlarged to form cavities.(当接缝和裂缝扩大形成空洞时,大量的水也会被储存在石灰岩中。)

      The quantities of phytoplankton in the ocean are changing.(海洋中浮游植物的数量在变化。)

      手机查看quantities的意思,关注 好工具hao86 公众号后发送 quantities 即可



      quantities是什么意思 quantities在线翻译 quantities什么意思 quantities的意思 quantities的翻译 quantities的解释 quantities的发音 quantities的同义词
