
proceeding的用法 2024年07月16日 02:54:59

      英 [prəˈsi:dɪŋ]

      美 [proˈsidɪŋ, prə-]





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  •       诉讼程序
  •       诉讼
  •       公报
  •       进行
  •       行动
  •       事项
  •       活动
  •       会议记录


  •       [P]进程,过程,议程 what takes place, especially at a meeting, ceremony, etc.
  •       [P]诉讼,诉讼程序 lawsuit
  •       [P]会议录,公报 (published) report or record of a discussion, meeting, conference, etc.; minutes


      1. (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked

      Synonym: legal proceedingproceedings

      1. 诉讼
      Legal proceedings are legal action taken against someone.

      e.g. ...criminal proceedings against the former prime minister...
      e.g. The Council had brought proceedings to stop the store from trading on Sundays.

      2. (有组织的一系列)活动,事件,行动
      The proceedings are an organized series of events that take place in a particular place.

      e.g. The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private...
      e.g. He viewed the proceedings with doubt and alarm.

      3. (会议)记录
      You can refer to a written record of the discussions at a meeting or conference as the proceedings.

      e.g. The Department of Transport is to publish the conference proceedings.

      1. proceeding在线翻译

      1. 会刊:他当场将这个公式写在黑板上,后来登在那次会议的会刊(proceeding). 他没有说明如何完成这个极为困难的计算. 另一个评论是关於液态氦的性质,当时没有人了解他说些什麼. 几年后,费因曼(Feynman)的液态氦理论发表了,

      2. 进行:在诉讼中,与以法官心证为核心的实体合成相对应,由诉讼行为所构成的关于诉讼进行(proceeding)的作用机制称为程序合成. 程序合成物能够成为实体合成的基础和催化因素. 特别是考虑到程序法的修改影响与实体法不同,

      3. proceeding的翻译

      3. 诉讼程序:则在为了确定该人是否作为该注册有限责任合伙合伙人承担责任时,列明该人的申请无论是在民事的、刑事的、行政的还是调查程序中中,均不得作为任何诉讼(action)、控诉(suit)或诉讼程序(proceeding)的证据.

  •       常用例句
  •       词汇搭配
  •       经典引文


  •       The proceedings were interrupted.
  •       She started proceedings against her husband for divorce.
  •       He carefully read the proceedings from last meeting.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The manner of my friend's proceeding with me.

    出自:S. Pepys
  •       近义词
  •       临近词


      Work is proceeding slowly.(工作进展缓慢。)

      The event was proceeding in a joyous and warm atmosphere.(整场活动始终洋溢着热烈欢乐的气氛。)

      Macquarie insisted on proceeding the wedding.(麦格里仍然坚持举行了婚礼。)

      If there are any errors, fix them before proceeding.(如果有错误,修复错误之后再继续。)

      The creditors decided ot initiate a bankruptcy proceeding.(债权人决定提起破产之诉。)

      These are repetitive activities proceeding towards the end of the project.(将进行重复活动直到项目结束。)

      Preparation work is proceeding smoothly in all fields.(各方面的准备工作正在有条不紊地进行之中。)

      Develop each abstraction level before proceeding to the next lower level.(在进入下一更低层之前,开发一个抽象层次。)

      If any errors are detected, correct these before proceeding.(如果发现了任何错误,纠正它们。)

      Writer-director Paul Greengrass has gone to great lengths to be respectful in his depiction of what occurred, proceeding with the film only after securing the approval of every victim's family.(编剧兼导演保罗·格林格拉斯竭尽所能地在他的描述中尊重事实,只有在每个受害者的家人都同意的情况下,他才会继续拍摄这部电影。)

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