听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。1. When did the Clarks co





      1. When did the Clarks come back from the seaside?

      A. Early in the moming ?

      B. Late in the evening.

      C.In the afternoon.

      2. When did they hear someone talking in the room?

      A. On the way downstairs.

      B. On the way upstaris

      C. On the way to the living-room.

      3. Why did they stand outside the living-room quietly?

      A. They wanted to make sure whether there was someone talking there.

      B. They wanted to see what the men were stealing.

      C. They tried not to lock the men inside.

      4. Why was there no answer in the room when they called out loudly?

      A. Because the men had run away.

      B. Because there wasn't anyone at all.

      C. Because the two men were too afraid to answer.

      5. What did Mr Glark find when he came into the room?

      A. He found there was nothing in the room.

      B. He found he had left his radio on.

      C. He found two men in the room.


      1-5 BBABB





老当益壮2024-06-22 12:59:03




















