



      you are mine all your life. no one can love you except me.


      in this world, sincerity is scarce, and we should be thrifty.


      as long as it's a comedy ending, you can make me cry.


      you don't have to show your circle of friends for three days. i don't want to see it for a day.


      if you can help others, try to help. you can't help. don't force yourself.


      loneliness is a stubborn disease, no matter how much road you walk, you can't cure it.


      take your own road, take your own steps, and pay less attention to the rubbish behind your back.


      you just need to take one step. i'll take the rest.


      don't be too nice to me, or i'll give you a personal promise.


      for their own sake, why those sentimental, sad spring and autumn?


      thank you. it has three meanings: politeness, refusal and distance.


      how can you be young if you are not frivolous? how can you be proud if you are not presumptuous!


      i'm not without quality, but my quality is treated differently.


      there's no reason to like it. i don't want to be seen by you.


      drink when you have wine, and love when you have love. life is so short. if you are more formal, it will be over.


      i can have a good temper, but why should i get used to you.


      if i don't stop you from being cheap, it doesn't mean you can make an inch.


      people's eyes are black and their hearts are red, but sometimes when their eyes are red, their hearts are black.


      to live requires not only oxygen, but also courage and domineering spirit!


      you come against the light and deserve all the beauty of this time.


      remember my good, or remember me.


      the most annoying thing is to wait for a long time for the advertisement, but it is the song at the end of the film.


      the rain will stop, it will clear up, and nothing will be so bad.


      i will be a better person because of you, but not for you.


      any relationship, you want to strange, i will not look at you.


      the most sad thing in the world is that the people you like think you like others.


      when children's classes are called parents, there must be some play. now, there must be some play.


      i don't think you are really a qualified friend. you'd better be my husband instead!


      if you join hands with me, thank you for understanding me; if you are parting, thank you for coming.


      our behavior determines our character, just as our character determines our behavior.


      do not see one love one, love too much, your love will be devalued.


      i don't have time to hate those who hate me. i have to be busy loving those who love me.


      when my disappointment exceeds my expectation, i become indifferent.


      i don't want to be a hooligan, but none of you think i'm a little girl.


      look into my eyes and you'll see what you mean to me.


      only when you have three points of frivolity and seven points of collection can you be invincible.


      if you can't accept the worst of me, you don't deserve the best of me.


      boredom, is a person after eating the food on the plate, the feelings of the plate.


      even if there are 99 percent dissatisfied, as long as there is one percent like there is no way.


      the past will never look back, and the future will never make do with it.


      i'm sorry, i'm not your king. i can't give you the glory you want.


      forgive me for being too greedy to accompany you. i want to accompany you.


      like you just to you naive, don't like you minute mature your father.


      if only to meet, not to stay, it is better not to meet.

叶子2024-03-25 14:15:46




















