Soon it would be the holidays, but before




      Soon it would be the holidays, but before that, there were final . All the kids had been working hard for some time, review their . If they didn’t pass the exams, they would have to them in September. There were usually a few who , but Jane didn’t want to be one of them. She had worked hard all year. She worked so hard that her mother her. Jane went bed late. The night before the big day, her mother that she should have an early night and take a sleeping pill. She promised to her up in the morning.

      Jane was too to fall asleep. Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject. At last, the did work. In no time she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the paper, but she couldn’t answer of the questions. Everyone her was writing pages and pages. she thought hard, she couldn’t find anything to write about. From time to time, she looked at her . Time was running . There was only an hour . She started one question, wrote two sentences, and tried another. With only an hour left, she wrote two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started . Her whole body shook. It shook so much that she woke up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible . A minute later, called her name.

















      A.cared about

      B.felt proud of

      C.worried about

      D.thought highly of小题6:





















      A.ahead of

      B.behind front of
















      A.gave out

      B.gave up

      C.put off

      D.put out小题17:




      D.the other小题18:









      A.her mother

      B.her teacher

      C.a classmate

      D.a friend
























      小题1:B名词辨析和上下文理解。 A. harvests收获,B. exams考试,C. reports报导,D. papers试卷,根据下面两句提到“考试”“复习功课”可知放假前要有期末考试。所以选B。

      小题2:D名词辨析和上下文理解。A. exercises练习,B. jobs工作,C. books书, D. lessons功课,既然是考试就要复习功课lessons,所以选D。

      小题3:A动词辨析和上下文理解。A. take带走,B. write 写,C. attend参加,D. do 做,they would have tothem in September.句中的them指的是考试所以用动词take来表示参加考试。所以选A。

      小题4:D动词辨析和上下文理解。A. cheated欺骗,B. succeeded成功,C. passed通过, D. failed失败,指考试不过关,根据下文:but Jane didn’t want to be one of them.可知这里指的是考试不及格的人,所以选D。

      小题5:C动词短语辨析和上下文理解。A. cared about 关心,B. felt proud of为…感到自豪,C. worried about 担心,D. thought highly of高度评价, “她一直努力但是她的妈妈还是为她担忧”所以选C。

      小题6:A动词辨析和上下文理解。A. advised建议,B. agreed 同意,C. promised答应,D. allowed允许,根据上句她睡觉晚,以及本句当中的should虚拟语气,所以应该是她的妈建议她早睡,并明早叫醒她。所以选A。

      小题7:B动词辨析和上下文理解。A. ring up响起,B. wake up叫醒,C. put up张贴,D. pick up捡起,接收,接送,恢复,习得,根据下文可知妈妈第二天早上会叫醒她,所以选B。

      小题8:D形容词辨析和上下文理解。A. sad难过的,B. tired疲劳的,C. happy快乐的,D. nervous紧张的,下句提到她的思路从一科目跳到另一科目,可知是太紧张无法入睡。所以选D。

      小题9:B名词辨析和上下文理解。 A. dream梦,B. pill药片,C. suggestion建议,D. music音乐,上文提到服用安眠药,所以在这指药发挥作用了。所以选B。

      小题10:C代词辨析和上下文理解。A. all所有的,B. none没有,C. any任何的,D. some 一些,she couldn’t answerof the questions 她无法回答问题。Any用于否定句。all用于否定句表部分否定,所以选C。

      小题11:D副词辨析和上下文理解。 A. ahead of前面B. behind 后面 C. in front of 前边 D. around 周围。在这应该是说周围的同学写了一页又一页。所以选D。

      小题12:C连词辨析和上下文理解。A. Unless除非,B. However然而,C. Though虽然,D. As因为,正如,这里需要连词而且前后为转折关系所以用though,所以选C。

      小题13:A名词辨析和上下文理解。 A. watch手表,B. paper纸,C. teacher老师,D. book书,下文提到时间快到了,所以此空应该为看表。所以选A。

      小题14:C副词辨析和上下文理解。 A. up向上,B. down向下,C. out外面,D. over上方, run out “用光,花光”,根据下文: There was only an hour. 可知时间快用完了。所以选C.

      小题15:B动词辨析和上下文理解。A. run跑,B. left离开,剩下,C. remaining仍然,D. go去,根据上文可知只剩下一个小时了。所以选B。

      小题16:B动词短语辨析和上下文理解。A. gave out 分发B. gave up放弃 C. put off 推迟 D. put out 灭火。她开始答题写了两句,放弃然后接着写另一题,所以选B。

      小题17:A形容词辨析和上下文理解。A. another另一个,B. more更多,C. other其他, D. the other另一个,只剩半小时的时候她又写了两句子。又两个句子another two sentences 或者two more sentences,所以选A。

      小题18:C动词辨析和上下文理解。A. thinking思考,B. dreaming梦想,C. crying哭,D. writing写,根据文章叙述“她如此着急以至于开始哭了起来”,所以选C。

      小题19:B名词辨析和上下文理解。A. exam考试,B. dream 梦想,C. story故事,D. night夜晚,她仍在床上所以刚才的事情是一个“梦”,所以选B。

      小题20:A名词辨析和上下文理解。A. her mother她妈妈,B. her teacher她老师, C. a classmate一个同学, D. a friend一个朋友。文章第一段提到妈妈早晨会叫醒她,所以此处应为her mother。所以选A。




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