fall in love with

fall 2024年07月02日 00:22:14

      英 [fɔ:l in lʌv wið]

      美 [fɔl ɪn lʌv wɪð]

fall in love with基本解释

      动词爱上; 倾心


  •       网络解释

      1. 相爱,爱上:be inlovewith 跟...恋爱 . | fallinlovewith 相爱,爱上... . | make love to 向...表示爱情 .

      2. 爱上:enjoy oneself过得快活 | fallinlovewith爱 上 | gain an advantage over胜过,优于

      3. 爱上某人:drop in 顺便(非正式)访问 | fallinlovewith 爱上某人 | get in 进入,参加;收(获),收回;插入(话)

      4. 开始爱上:equate...with...把......与......等同起来 | fallinlovewith 开始爱上 | fall ill 病倒

  •       临近词


      The smile that made me fall in love with him disappeared altogether.(曾让我爱上他的笑容也一起消失了。)

      I fall in love with Rose.(我跟罗丝坠入爱河了。)

      Men fall in love with women whom they are afraid to lose.(男人爱他们担心失去的女人。)

      Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him.(虽然缓慢,但她确实开始爱上他了。)

      "We don't just fall in love with anything that comes along," she notes.(她说:“我们不会爱上任何出现在面前的人。”)

      Solve this problem by making her fall in love with you immediately.(让她放下这个疑虑的最好方法就是让她立马爱上你。)

      He tells me now that that was what made him fall in love with me.(现在,他告诉我当初正是我的声音使他爱上了我这个人。)

      Men fall in love with women who are happy with themselves.(男人爱对自己满意的女人。)

      Is there any chance I will fall in love with my kidnappers?(有没有可能我爱上我的绑匪?)

      It isn't the stranger you fall in love with.(你爱上的不是陌生人。)

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