
一年级简单的 2024年07月08日 01:47:04


  •       1、Would that I were wiser! Would that I were wise from the very heart, like myserpent!(让我更聪明些吧,让我像我的大蛇那样,从内心聪明起来吧!)
  •       2、Then she saw it was the long flat head of aserpent, and the recollection of the prophecy rushed into her mind.(然后她看到一个又长又扁的蛇头,预言一下子从她的记忆中跳出来。)
  •       3、The woman said to theserpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden(女人对蛇说:“园中树上的果子,我们可以吃)
  •       4、Those who give you aserpent when you ask for a fish, may have nothing butserpents to give.(那些当你要一条鱼的时候却给你一条蛇的人,可能除了给蛇之外没别的可给了。)
  •       5、"They just said, get up there and make some trouble, " said theserpent, whose name was Crawly, although he was thinking of changing it now.(“他们只是说,上去找点麻烦。"蛇说道,这条蛇名叫Crawly,不过他现在琢磨着改个名字。)
  •       6、A blackserpent, draped overher hand.(听诊器垂挂在她手中,就像一条黑色的大蛇。)
  •       7、It shows aserpent!(它展示出一条海蛇!)
  •       8、Theserpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit.(那条毒蛇诱使夏娃摘取禁果。)
