
一年级简单的 2024年07月29日 00:46:25


  •       1、Our sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea is based on discovery,preoccupation as well as long-term, sustained and effective management.(我们对南海诸岛的主权是建立在发现、先占和长期、持续、有效管理的基础之上。)
  •       2、preoccupation with the lover's thoughts, behaviors, feelings leads to dependency on his or her approval.(因为被情人的思想、行为和感觉所占据,导致了什么都要靠他的同意。)
  •       3、A persistentpreoccupation with parts of objects.(持续不停地专注于物体的某些部分。)
  •       4、His currentpreoccupation is the appointment of the new manager.(他目前操心的是新经理的任命。)
  •       5、The pursuit of information has been a humanpreoccupation since knowledge was first recorded.(自从知识第一次被记载以来,对信息的孜孜追求一直是人类的当务之急。)
  •       6、Both extremes have core autistic features, such aspreoccupation with detail, obsessional interests and difficulties in understanding other people’s perspectives.(这两个极端的患者都有着孤独症的核心特征,比如注重细节,着魔于某些兴趣,以及无法从他人的角度思考问题。)
  •       7、Even in the 19th century the paradise that visitors beheld was already racked with a centralpreoccupation: is there enough for everyone?(即便在19世纪的时候,这片被到访者奉为天堂之地的区域就已经受到一个重大问题的折磨:这里到底可以接纳多少人居住呢?)
  •       8、We live in a consumer society in which money is a massivepreoccupation.(我们生活在一个金钱是极大关注点的消费社会。)