
一年级简单的 2024年07月08日 01:34:28


  •       1、Her moods oscillated betweendepression and elation.(她的情绪时而抑郁,时而亢奋。)
  •       2、He suffered occasional bouts ofdepression.(他有时会犯抑郁症。)
  •       3、After my birth, Mom had severe postpartumdepression.(我出生后,妈妈得了严重的产后抑郁症。)
  •       4、For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinicaldepression.(丹尼尔去世后的头几个月,我一直处在临床抑郁状态。)
  •       5、There was a feeling of gloom anddepression in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced.(裁员消息宣布时办公室里一片忧郁和沮丧的气氛。)
  •       6、I slid into adepression.(我渐渐陷入了抑郁之中。)
  •       7、A decrease in face-to-face social contact can precipitatedepression.(面对面社交接触的减少会导致抑郁。)
  •       8、Gradually mydepression started to lift.(我的沮丧情绪开始逐渐消失。)
