


      英 [ˈsu:pəvaɪzə(r)]

      美 [ˈsu:pərvaɪzə(r)]


      形容词: supervisory


  •       详情解释

  •       英英释义

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  •       监督人,监督人员
  •       主管人,上司,总管
  •       管理人,管理员,管理人员
  •       督学
  •       指导者
  •       镇长,区长,镇行政官员
  •       审订者
  •       铁道线路检查员
  •       监工
  •       监控装置



      1. a program that controls the execution of other programs

      Synonym: supervisory programexecutive program

      2. one who supervises or has charge and direction of

      1. (尤指工人或学生的)管理者,监督者,指导者
      A supervisor is a person who supervises activities or people, especially workers or students.

      e.g. ...a full-time job as a supervisor at a factory...
      e.g. Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation.

      1. supervisor在线翻译

      1. 监工:其项目管理层一般只设到监工(SUPERVISOR)这一级. 劳务层从工头(FOREMAN)到技术工人直至帮工则全部向社会临时招聘,并随着工程的进展随时招聘和解聘,从不多养一个闲人. 于是便形成了相对固定的项目管理层和永远是动态地在各项目、各公司间自由流动的劳务层这样一个优化的两层分离运作模式.


      2. supervisor:supv; 管理程序,监控程序

  •       情景对话


      A:When is your lunch break?

      B:I usually have lunch around noon, but I’m tired up with this report right now.
      我通常在12 点左右吃午饭,但现在要赶一个报告,脱不开身。

      A:When do you think you’ll finish?

      B:My supervisor wants to have it on her desk by 1 pm.

      A:Do you want to go for lunch together at 1 pm?

      B:I don’t know. She might want to discuss it with me then.

      A:I see. Are you hungry?

      B:I’m starving! But I don’t think I’m going to have any opportunities to eat this afternoon.

      A:Do you want me to pick up a sandwich for you?


      B:That would be great! I could eat it at my desk while I’m working.

      A:What kind of sandwich would you like?

      B:I’m not picky. Anything will do. Here’s a five.
      我不挑剔,哪种都可以,这是5 美元。

      A:Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it. I’ll be back in 15 minutes or so.
      别担心,我会帮你买回来,我15 分钟左右回来。

      B:Thanks a million!


      A:Let’s do lunch tomorrow, though.


      B:OK, but tomorrow, it’ll be on me!

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      I have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic.(我要就我的研究课题同导师见一次面。)

      You're a scholar and a supervisor.(你是学者,又是督导。)

      More recently, he has been a writer, record slanger, music producer, manager, promoter and film soundtrack supervisor.(最近,他成为了作家、唱片制作人、音乐制作人、经理、推广人和电影配乐监制。)

      My supervisor at work is sometimes out to lunch.(我的工作主管有时会外出吃午餐。)

      Daykin began experimenting with windshield wipers in 1957, when his supervisor asked him to design an electric wiper motor.(戴金从1957年开始试验雨刷器,当时他的导师让他设计一个电动雨刷马达。)

      The supervisor of personnel refused the request.(人事主管拒绝了这个请求。)

      The damage to skill and craftsmanship—that's needed to build a complex airliner or a tractor, or for a worker to move up from assembler to machinist to supervisor—went largely unnoticed.(对技术和工艺的损害——制造一架复杂的飞机或拖拉机,或工人从装配工到机械师再到监督员所需要的技术和工艺——在很大程度上被忽视了。)

      She resolved to report the matter to the hospital's nursing supervisor.(她决心把这件事向该医院的护士长汇报。)

      Team work with QAR, engineer and logistics supervisor in branch office.(与分支机构的QAR,工程师和物流主管进行团队合作。)

      Is there a supervisor that I can speak with?(我能找一位主管谈谈吗?)

      supervisor是什么意思 supervisor在线翻译 supervisor什么意思 supervisor的意思 supervisor的翻译 supervisor的解释 supervisor的发音 supervisor的同义词
