
hokum的用法 2024年06月25日 01:21:24

      英 [ˈhəʊkəm]

      美 [ˈhoʊkəm]




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      1. a message that seems to convey no meaning

      Synonym: nonsensebunknonsensicalitymeaninglessness

      1. 废话;胡扯
      If you describe something as hokum, you think it is nonsense.

      e.g. The book is enjoyable hokum.

      1. 废话:Hokkaido 北海道 | hokum 废话 | Holand 荷兰

      2. hokum的意思

      2. 胡说,忽悠:proximity:(空间或时间上的)邻近, 接近 | hokum:胡说,忽悠 | ruthless:坚决的; 永不停止的; 持久的

      3. 虚伪却无意义的话 废话:whimsical 行为举止古怪的 异想天开的 | hokum 虚伪却无意义的话 废话 | hypothesis 假说

      4. hokum是什么意思

      4. 空话:claptrap:噱头 | hokum:空话 | drivel:蠢话

  •       近义词
  •       临近词


      No more hokum. I want the truth.(别再耍花招了!我要实话。)

      Such sinister high hokum might be ridiculous if McCarthy didn't keep it moving faster than the reader can pause to think about it.(如果麦卡锡的叙事速度还不及读者停下来思考的速度,那如此用心险恶的高谈阔论难免会让人觉得荒谬可笑。)

      A true love is what doesn't strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum.(真正的爱情是不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究奢华更不讲究噱头的。)

      The book is enjoyable hokum.(该书是饶有趣味的胡扯。)

      手机查看hokum的意思,关注 好工具hao86 公众号后发送 hokum 即可



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