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    Lucius Vorenu...

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    Titus Pullo (...

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  • 经典台词

    • [Titus is giving Lucius marital advice] Titus Pullo: When you couple with her, there's a spot just above her cunny, it's like a little button. Now... attend to that button, and she will open up, like a flower. Lucius Vorenus: [aghast] How do you know this about her? Titus Pullo: *All* women have them! Ask anyone! Lucius Vorenus: It makes no sense. We should have been stopped by now. Why is Rome not defended? Titus Pullo: Our boys scared 'em off, eh? Lucius Vorenus: Soldiers of the Republic do not run, so it must be a stratagem, a trick. Titus Pullo: It's a good trick. Lucius Vorenus: Unless the gods have abandoned Rome... If Mars were watching, he would not allow such a disgrace. Titus Pullo: Maybe he was havin' a crap and missed it. King Ptolemy XIII: [presenting the head of Pompey Magnus] We were going to make him a body, with moving arms and legs, and do a mime show with real animals and everything, and... Gaius Julius Caesar: Silence! [long, heavy silence] Gaius Julius Caesar: Shame on the house of Ptolemys for such barbarity. Shame. Pothinus: But... you are enemies. Gaius Julius Caesar: He was a consul of Rome! [guards draw swords] Gaius Julius Caesar: A consul of Rome. To die in this sordid way - quartered like some low thief. Shame! Mark Antony: A courier came from Alexandria. Caesar has lifted the siege and massacred the armies of Ptolemy. He is safe and sound, and master of all of Egypt. [laughing] Mark Antony: The man is a damn prodigy! Pothinus: That is not just. Posca: Post mortem interests of this type are legally entailed to the presiding consul, i.e. Gaius Julius Caesar. It's... law. Pothinus: Roman law. Gaius Julius Caesar: Is there some other form of law, you wretched woman? [to Octavius] Atia of the Julii: You fucked your sister! You little pervert! [Vorenus wakes up to find his horse has been stolen] Lucius Vorenus: Fortune pisses on me once again! Lucius Vorenus: Do you think of *nothing* but women? 复制
    • ecb复制
    • Titus Pullo: What else is there? [he thinks] Titus Pullo: Food, I s'pose. Niobe: [with admiration while helping Lucius put on his magistrate's toga] Look at you. Titus Pullo: You look like laundry. Titus Pullo: [wakes up during the night; sees Eirene approaching] Titus Pullo: [smiles] Titus Pullo: Eirene. It's good to see you. [she puts a knife to his throat] Titus Pullo: [gasps, but doesn't fight her] Fair enough. Titus Pullo: [closes eyes] [she presses in the knife, but hesitates] Titus Pullo: [peeks] Titus Pullo: Erm... i-if-if... If you can't do it... th-that's all right too. Gaius Julius Caesar: [evaluating his chances against Pompey's more numerous legions] Our men must win or die. Pompey's men have... other options. Atia of the Julii: [concerning Servilia's invitation] Why would she want to see me? She hates me! Mark Antony: So do I; that's no bar to friendship. Gaius Julius Caesar: He refuses to meet me! Marcus Tullius Cicero: When confronted by a hungry wolf, it is unwise to goad the beast, as Cato would have us do. But it is equally unwise to imagine the snarling animal a friend and offer your hand, as Pompey does. Pompey Magnus: Perhaps you would have us climb a tree! Cassius: Look now. Look at that. Marcus Junius Brutus: It is a chair. What of it? Cassius: A chair? It's a throne! Marcus Junius Brutus: I believe thrones are generally more decorative. That is decidedly plain, and chair-like. Atia of the Julii: You. Leave this house this moment. Glabius: I will not! Octavia's my rightful wife. Atia of the Julii: You defy Caesar? Glabius: A fig for Caesar! Atia of the Julii: By the five Furies, if I was not a gentle woman, I would have you flayed, and hung from a bracket at the door!复制


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