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  • Sheila Kelley

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    Debbie Hunt

  • Jim True-Frost

    Jim True-Frost


    David Bailey ...

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    Cliff Poncier

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  • Peter Horton

    Peter Horton



  • 经典台词

    • Janet Livermore: People need people, Steve. It has nothing to do with sex. OK, maybe 40 percent. 60 percent. Forget it. Janet Livermore: Are my breasts too small for you? Cliff Poncier: Sometimes. Janet Livermore: I've always been able to do this, break up with someone and never look back. Being alone: there's a certain dignity to it. Janet Livermore: You're Dr. Jamison, man. Many, many babes are into that. Janet Livermore: Somewhere around 25, bizarre becomes immature. Steve Dunne: I just happened to be nowhere near your neighborhood. Debbie Hunt: Come to where the flavor is. Come to Debbie country. Cliff Poncier: Look, Janet you know I see other people still. You do know that don't you? Janet Livermore: You don't fool me. Cliff Poncier: Janet, I could not be fooling you less. David Bailey: Tonight I'll be the super me. Steve Dunne: What if the super you meets the super her and the super her rejects the super you? David Bailey: Then it's no problem. Steve Dunne: Uh-huh. Why? David Bailey: Because it was never you, it was just an act. I live my life like a French movie, Steve. Cliff Poncier: This negativity just makes me stronger, we will not retreat, this band is unstoppable! Steve Dunne: 复制
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    • Linda, uh, it's me. I had to call you. It's about midnight. I was just having many beers. And, uh, I just wanted to say what I should have said at the dock. I fucking chickened out when I acted casual, like Mr. Casual. I should have said it. You... belong... with... me! We belong together. And what really pisses me off is that, now that we're really talking, you thought i proposed to you only because you were pregnant. What's that about! I mean... hey, this is not the bathroom! And you know maybe if I had said some of these things at the dock it would have made a difference because, but I think we made a big mistake because, we had good times and we had bad times, but we had times. And I would like to start over. I would like to be new to you. I want to be new to you. I want to be Mr. New. So call me back if you want to. But this is the last time I'll call. And, if you really needed to know how I feel, how I really feel, that's how I feel. I love you. And that's something you should know, so I won't bother you again. So, good night. And good bye. And call me back. Good bye. 复制
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    • Linda Powell: I think that, a) you have an act, and that, b) not having an act is your act. Janet Livermore: So I'm not an Amazon woman? Steve Dunne: You're from the high plains Janet. Steve Dunne: My dad left home when I was eight. You know what he said to me? Have fun, stay single. I was eight. Janet Livermore: Guys do like to be called. Cliff Poncier: That's a very nice hat you're wearing... and I don't mean that in an Eddie Haskell kind of way. Steve Dunne: I'm probably sterile. It runs in my family. Cliff Poncier: Janet, you rock my world. Eddie: A compliment for us, is a compliment for you. Club Interviewer: Talking here with Cliff Poncier. Cliff, any comments on the "Seattle Sound" and Citizen Dick's place in it? Cliff Poncier: Well, I don't like to reduce us to just being part of the "Seattle Sound." I'd like to think of us as expanding more. Like, we're huge in Europe right now. I mean, we've got records... uh, a big record just broke in Belgium. Club Interviewer: Now, a song like "Touch Me, I'm Dick" is about... what? Cliff Poncier: Well, I think "Touch Me, I'm Dick," in essence, speaks for itself, you know. I think that, you know, that's basically what the song is, um... about... is about, you know... I-I think a lot of people might think it's actually about, you know,"My name is Dick, and, you know, you can touch me," but, I think, you know, it can be seen either way. Janet Livermore: [fakes a sneeze to get Cliff to say,"Bless you."] Cliff Poncier: [Watching nature show on bees, has no response] Janet Livermore: [fakes a louder sneeze] Cliff Poncier: [indifferently hands her a box of tissues] Hey, Babe? Don't get me sick. I'm playin' this weekend. Steve Dunne: [calling Linda] Linda Powell? Steve Dunne. Hey, yeah, I met you... 61 hours ago. Yeah, that was me. Listen, uh, do you want to get some dinner? Uh, how about some lunch? No lunch. Coffee? Water? How about some water? I'll meet you where you're already having lunch, and we'll have some water. Debbie Hunt: Desperation - it's the world's worst cologne. Steve Dunne: I was just... *nowhere near* your neighborhood Pam: Look, Debbie, I'm kind of having a bad sugar crash. Do you think you could just, you know, hold it down? Linda Powell: We will always go dancing! 复制
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    • Doug Hughley复制


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