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  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  经典
  • 雷德·斯克尔顿


    Red Skelton


    Louis Blore/K...

  • 露西·鲍


    Lucille Ball


    May Daly/Mada...

  • 吉恩·凯利


    Gene Kelly


    Alec Howe/Bla...

  • Virginia O'Brien

    Virginia O'Brien



  • Rags Ragland

    Rags Ragland



  • 泽罗·莫斯苔


    Zero Mostel


    Rami - the Sw...

  • Donald Meek

    Donald Meek


    Mr. Jones/Duc...

  • Douglass Dumbrille

    Douglass Dumbrille


    Willie/Duc de...

  • George Givot

    George Givot


    Cheezy/Count ...

  • Louise Beavers

    Louise Beavers



  • 经典台词

    • King Louis XV: [singing] Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la you've come to wash my face! Maids: [singing in return] Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la we've come to wash your face! Niagara: Land's sakes, what's he trying to do, landscape you? Niagara: What are you doing, playing one-nighters in dressing rooms? Alec Howe: You're human aren't you? May Daly: I hope not! Ginny: Can't you see I love you and want you for the father of my children? Louis Blore: I didn't know you had any! Louis Blore: You remind me of one of those girls in Esquire, the ones with clothes on, of course. Old lady: Next time I get hitched it's for dough. Charlie: Hey, Slim! Watch your hat? Watch your derby? Louis Blore: Money ain't changed *me*, I'm still lovable! May Daly: I see you want to buy me. Louis Blore: Gosh no, Miss Daly, I want to marry you! King Louis XV: What's this? Duc de Rigor: Your breakfast, Sire. King Louis XV: Well, who eats who? King Louis XV: What's the setup around here, am I really the King? Dauphin: Anyone who says you ain't, dies. King Louis XV: Don't you know that kings can do no wrong? Madame Du Barry: That's my plan! Madame Du Barry: He's mad about me! Ginny: They're all mad, about you! Duc de Rigor: Who dares to interfere? King Louis XV: Me! My Majesty! Black Arrow: Be brave, my friend, you're dying for your country. Taliostra: Yeah, but I was born in the city! Dauphin: Get your Daily Chopping Guide! You can't tell which head is which without a program! Charlie: That's OK, he's snapping back to abnormal now. Ginny: You never look at me like that. Louis Blore: You never look like that. Louis Blore: 复制
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    • She's just excited. She's never married me before. 复制
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    • Charlie: We'll slip him a Rooney. Louis Blore: A Rooney? What's that? Charlie: It's a high-powered Mickey. Alec Howe: You know, it's too bad May couldn't marry for love *and* money. Louis Blore: You mean sort of a double wedding? Louis Blore: Here's to I, May, and you - the eternal rectangle. If this was back in the glorious days of France, I would be King Louis, May would be Du Barry, and you would be one of the common folks - a peasant. King Louis XV: Hey! Men don't kiss men! Dauphin: They do in France, Pop. Black Arrow: How embarrassing, to be found hiding behind a woman's skirts. Black Arrow: Du Barry! That jay! That jezebel! That spoiler of kings! Madame Du Barry: Isn't he wonderful? Black Arrow: Does she love the king? No! She loves rubies! So your children go hungry! She loves silks! So your wives go naked! Madame Du Barry: [dreamily] Look at his eyes. King Louis XV: We'll give him a fair trial. Then we'll hang him. King Louis XV: For parading without a license each of you gets thirty days. For planning to knock me off, you get the guillotine.复制


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